Agent Node Configuration

Specifies the node configuration in the server farm. Generally, it contains the application host connection and other network-related configuration settings. Agent configuration uses the layered configuration in the following order;

  • <installdir>/appsettings.json

  • <installdir>/Configuration/appsettings.json

  • <installdir>/Configuration/Data/appsettings.json

  • Environment variables

  • <installdir>/Configuration/Data/protectedsettings.json

The default configuration is stored in <installdir>/appsettings.json file and it is not recommended to change. Any change should be specified in <installdir>/Configuration/appsettings.json or <installdir>/Configuration/Data/appsettings.json or other layers.

Environment Variables

Any environment variable that starts with "AK_" prefix overrides the configuration entries in appsettings.json file. For example, the host configuration connection can be specified as an environment variable;

AK_DbProvider = "Postgres" AK_DbConnStr = "Host=myserver;Database=emakin;Username=emakin;Password=mypassword;"

Configuration sub-section entries can be overridden with “__” (double underscores) separators. For example, if you want to change the webserver port you may define an environment variable as follows;


Command Line Arguments

Any command line argument to the agent executable overrides the configuration entries.

.\AltiKare.Workflow.Agent.exe DBConnStr="Host=myserver;Database=emakin;Username=emakin;Password=mypassword;"

Encrypting Configuration Settings

By default, all configuration parameters are stored in plain text JSON files but sensitive settings like database connection string can be encrypted if needed.

  • <installdir>/Configuration/Data/protectedsettings.json

Encrypted configuration settings can be only written and cannot be read back. If you lost this file all values are cannot be retrieved.

For example, the database connection string can be set with;

Detailed information can be found in the CLI interface option.

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