Agent Command Line Interface

Agent Command Line Interface

By default, the Emakin agent is configured to run as windows service or daemon mode but it can be run in CLI (Command Line Interface) mode.

CLI interface provides additional options for configuration or diagnostics.



Prints the available list of commands. Some of the options may depend on the operating system and if not listed if not compatible.

.\AltiKare.Workflow.Agent.exe help Usage: help Show help help install install as service install uninstall uninstall service uninstall basex install basex service basex ubasex uninstall basex service ubasex redis install redis service redis uredis uninstall redis service uredis setconfig Sets a configuration value in protected.json setconfig <key> <value> start start all services start web start web services web agent start agent agent smtp start smtp smtp fulltext start fulltext fulltext registerstore register data store registerstore <applicationName> <storeName> [processPath] cleanup execute maintenance cleanup cleanup fulltextmerge execute full text merge [collection] fulltextmerge fulltextlist list all full text collections fulltextlist fulltextdump execute full text search and dump results fulltextdump <query> [collection] [local] fulltextreset Reset the full text index fulltextreset fulltextindex Re-index given items fulltextindex items ssltest execute ssl connection test ssltest hostname [port]

Installation Commands


Installs the agent service as windows service. Only available in windows operating systems.

.\AltiKare.Workflow.Agent.exe install


Uninstalls the agent windows service. Only available in windows operating systems.

.\AltiKare.Workflow.Agent.exe uninstall


Installs the basex service as windows service. Only available in windows operating systems.


Uninstalls the basex Windows service. Only available in Windows operating systems.


Installs the redis as a Windows service. Only available in Windows operating systems.


Uninstalls the Redis Windows service. Only available in Windows operating systems.

Configuration Commands


Sets a configuration setting in an encrypted format.

By default, all configuration parameters are stored in plain text JSON files but sensitive settings like database connection string can be encrypted. Encrypted settings are stored in this path, and the previous layers are overwritten.

  • <installdir>/Configuration/Data/protectedsettings.json

Encrypted configuration settings can be only written and cannot be read back. If you lost this file all values are cannot be retrieved.

For example, the database connection string can be set with;

After this command is executed a new protectedsettings.json file is created in the ‘Configuration/Data’ directory and stores the encrypted connection string.

Any configuration value from <installdir>/appsettings.json file can be set with setconfig parameter and child sections can be specified with the “:” qualifier.


Registers a new data store to be shared across all tenants.

applicationName specifies the host application and storeName specifies the name of the new store. The shared data store name must begin with “PS_” prefix.

Optionally if you specify a process definition path, all tables in the process definition are created in the new store. If omitted blank data store is created.

Agent Commands


Starts agent in console mode with all modules active.


Starts agent only in web server mode. Other services like background jobs or SMTP services will not be started.


Starts agent in only agent mode. Other services like the web server or SMTP services will not be started.


Starts agent in only SMTP service mode.

Maintenance Commands


Executes the cleanup tasks.

This is destructive command and clean-up actions cannot be reverted back, please use it with caution.

Clean-up action performs the following tasks;

  • Deletes the orphan records in domain membership tables.

    • Deletes the orphan group members.

    • Deletes the orphan organization unit positions.

    • Deletes the orphan organization unit position members.

    • Deletes the orphan user logins.

  • Optimizes all tenant full-text databases.

  • Optimizes the application’s full-text database.

  • Backup the orphan XML databases and removes them from the database.

  • Deletes the orphan form data.


Executes the full-text merge operation on active full-text service to optimize the database.

This command can take a long time depending on the number of records and may cause performance degradation during live use.


Lists the currently defined full-text catalog database names.

Database names are listed as plain text.


Executes a full-text search and dumps the result in the console for diagnostics.

This command is used to inspect full-text database records and dumps every matching record as a document.

The domain name parameter is optional, if not specified the search is executed in the application database.

When the domain name parameter is specified, the search is executed in the domain database.


Resets the full-text database content and initiates the re-indexing process.

Since this operation empties the contents of the database, users may see empty lists in the interface until the indexing process is completed. Therefore, it is not recommended to run it during active usage hours.


Re-index one or more items in the full-text catalog.

This operation may include more than one record to be indexed. Record numbers can be separated by the characters “,” or “;”.


Performs SSL connection test against target host

This command used to inspect SSL connectivity test with given host and dumps results with common used SSL protocols.

Port parameter is optional, if not specified 443 value is used.


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