Kubernetes Installation

Kubernetes Installation

Emakin Helm charts are published in https://github.com/6Kare/charts address.

Chart Installation

Repository Installation

helm repo add emakin https://6kare.github.io/charts/


helm install hello emakin/emakin

Helm tool by default deploys the emakin chart into the current namespace. If you want to deploy to another namespace, create a new namespace and execute the install later.

kubectl create namespace mynamespace helm install --namespace mynamespace emakin emakin/emakin

Accessing Emakin

On container start, the default domain is automatically created with "admin@emakin.com" user and "admin" password. The application can be accessed from http://localhost address, and the host administration settings can be accessed from http://localhost/hostadm address.

Running with Non-Root User

Docker images are executed with a non-root “emakin” user but the emakin agent executable uses these ports by default.

  • 80, 443 - Web service

  • 25, 587, 465 - SMTP service

These ports require the root permission if not configured and the service may fail to start up.

Overriding Default Configuration

Change Default Web Server Ports

Define the following environment variables to override web service listening ports.

Disable SMTP Service

Change Deployment Security Context

If you want to use default ports in a non-root context please add NET_BIND_SERVICE capability to allow binding to the lower ports.

Edit the “emakin.deployment.yaml” file with the following changes.

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