Event Module

Event Module

The event module is used to trigger an event to notify other listener type tasks about some specific event that occurred. Events are triggered on domain scope and may execute listeners in other processes.

In addition to the common task properties you can also configure the following properties for an automation task;

Event Name
Name of the event. The event name can be set to a plain text value (Ex: Customer.New) or may contain a data template expressions to include data from the data model. (Ex: "PaymentComplete.{{Id}}" )

You may also specify multiple event names with semicolon delimited format. (Ex: "Customer.New;Customer.Update.{{Id}}" )

Event Data XPath
XPath of event data to be passed to listeners. If set to empty value, root element content is used. You can use the $Input XML node variable to access related event data.

Handle Script
Script to handle event results and take action to continue workflow instance.

If no script is defined, the first action is automatically selected.

Event results are stored in $Handlers named array of work item id numbers. If no listener exists array is empty.


Events are processed in synchronous behaviour, and if any exception occurs transaction is rollbacked.

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