Task Scheduling

Task Scheduling

Workflow tasks can be scheduled to perform automated tasks in intervals.

Configures the task to perform scheduled operations depending on the task type:

Start Point

If the task is configured as a start point, emakin periodically initiates new instances depending on the schedule and executes the evaluation script. When any action is taken, it continues to the next step of a workflow.


If the task is configured as an intermediate task, emakin periodically checks any waiting tasks and executes the evaluation script on it. When any action is taken, it continues to the next step of a workflow.

Schedule Options

Check this field to enable scheduled operation.

Schedule of evaluation.

Script to execute when scheduled event occurs. 

Schedule Rules

Task scheduling consists of repeating intervals and schedule rules.

Interval defines the duration for next scheduled time and may be defined in day, hour or minute units.

Schedule rules define the time frames that should be excluded from repetition intervals. When schedule rules are not defined, the task is repeated within the 7x24 time frame. Calendar rules can be defined as Daily, Weekly, Yearly, or Annually and can be added successively to define rule chains.

Common Schedules

Daily Schedule

Performs every day, exactly at 16:00:00.

Repeat Period: 10 Minute

<Schedule Name=""> <Rule Type="Daily"> <Start>16:00:00</Start> <End>16:01:00</End> <Invert>True</Invert> </Rule> </Schedule>

Weekly Schedule

Performs every day except Sunday and Saturday.

Repeat Period: 1 Day

<Schedule Name=""> <Rule Type="Weekly"> <DayOfWeek>Sunday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Saturday</DayOfWeek> </Rule> </Schedule>

Performs only once on Mondays.

Repeat Period: 1 Day

<Schedule Name="Weekly Leave Request Report"> <Rule Type="Weekly"> <DayOfWeek>Sunday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Tuesday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Wednesday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Thursday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Friday</DayOfWeek> <DayOfWeek>Saturday</DayOfWeek> </Rule> <Rule Type="Daily"> <Start>09:05:00</Start> <End>09:05:59</End> <Invert>True</Invert> </Rule> </Schedule>

Yearly Schedule

Performs every 1st day in all months (Example: 20XX-XX-01)

Performs at the beginning of the 4th month of every year (Example: 20XX-04-01)

Performs on the 10th day of a 4th month of every year (Example: 20XX-04-10)

Annual Schedule

It performs on a yearly basis. It basically excludes the given date and runs the scheduled task every day except the given one.


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