Main Logic of the Application

Main Logic of the Application

The Currency Manager application consists of two main initiating points: setup and retrieval. Each of these points plays a crucial role in ensuring that the system efficiently manages and accesses currency rates.

1. Setup

The setup phase involves defining and storing the currencies that the system will retrieve. This phase is crucial for configuring the system according to the organisation's needs. The steps involved are:

Define Currencies: Users will specify the currencies they want the system to track.
Store Setup Data: The specified currencies are stored in an XML database to structure and manage the setup data.
Process Design: A process is designed using Emakin's Process Designer to manage the setup phase. This process will include a form created with the Form Designer to input the currency details and store them in the XML database.

2. Retrieval

The retrieval phase involves fetching the current currency rates based on the setup data and storing these rates in a local database. The steps involved are:

Retrieve Setup Data: The process will fetch the stored setup data (currencies to be tracked) from the XML database.
Call External Service: Using Rest Service API Calls, the process will request the current currency rates from an external system.
Store Currency Rates: The retrieved currency rates are written to the local database for easy and quick access by other processes.
Process Execution: The entire retrieval operation is managed through a process designed with Emakin's Process Designer, ensuring that each step is executed efficiently and correctly. The system will also allow end users to add/remove currencies manually at the initial step to make the system more flexible.


By separating the setup and retrieval phases, the Currency Manager ensures that the system is both flexible and efficient. Organisations can easily update the currencies they track without impacting the retrieval process, and the retrieval process can be scheduled or triggered as needed to ensure up-to-date currency rates are always available.

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