Currency manager walk-through


The Currency Manager process is designed to assist organisations in managing and accessing current currency values at specific times. This process is particularly useful for organisations that do not require real-time currency rate updates but need periodic access to currency rates for their operations.


The primary goal of the Currency Manager is to retrieve currency rates from an external system and store them in a local database. By doing so, subsequent processes can access these rates from the database without the need to repeatedly call the external service. This approach reduces dependency on external systems and ensures that the organisation can work with a consistent set of currency rates as needed.


This process is classified as intermediate. Implementing the Currency Manager requires a basic understanding of Emakin development. Users should be familiar with setting up integrations, configuring databases, and scheduling processes within the Emakin platform.

Emakin Features Used

The following Emakin features will be utilised in the development of the Currency Manager process:

Process Designer: To design the workflow for retrieving and storing currency rates.
Form Designer: For creating forms that may be needed to input or display data.
Rest Service API Calls: To fetch currency rates from external systems.
Databases: For storing the retrieved currency rates.
XML Databases: To structure and store the setup data in XML format.
Form Templates: To standardise the forms used within the process.
Dashboard: To provide basic reporting functionality from the database for the currencies, enabling users to monitor and manage the currency rates and their updates.

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