E-Mail Services

Manage your e-mail service configurations on this section. You need to configure an e-mail service for application to be able to send e-mails. After filling in the required information, hit the Test Connection button and enter a valid e-mail address to test the connection by sending a test e-mail.

email services.png

e-Mail Actions

It specifies the ability to select actions from e-mail notification messages. When enabled mail forwarding configuration must be set.


Is Enabled?

Enable/disable the e-mail configuration.

From Address

E-mail address to be displayed as the sender address 

From Display Name

Display name to be displayed as the sender name.

SMTP Server

SMTP Server address.

Test Connection

Connection test button. Fill in all the required e-mail service information and click this button to test the connection. 

User Name

User name to authenticate to SMTP server.


Password to authenticate to SMTP server.


Check this option to enable SSL on SMTP connection.


Port number to communicate through with SMTP server.

See the table below to pick which port number you need to use.

Mail Server

Port Number

Mail Server

Port Number



Secure (TLS)


Secure (SSL)


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