

This page provides an administration interface for your Emakin domains. Use it to register new domains and monitor existing ones.

To register a new domain, fill in the required information and hit the Register button.



Register New Domain

Use this section to register a new domain hosted by your Emakin application.


Subdomain name. Domain name will be created with this name prefixed to your application name.

For example if subdomain name is test and the application name is emakindemo.com, the resulting domain name will be test.emakindemo.com.


Domain level. Defines the features that are provided to that domain.

Must comform to the granted domain levels that are specifed in the application license.

Available domain levels are as follows, ordered from less to more features included. Each level is cumulative which means involving the features provided on lower levels: 

  • OEM: Basic level

  • Standart: Allows downloading and running processes from the shared application market.

  • Developer: Allows process development.

  • Publisher: Allows publishing your processes to the shared application market.

  • Enterprise: Dedicates you a separate application market which you can publish to and download processes from.

Administrator E-Mail Address

Enter an e-mail address for the first administrator user to be created. The user will use this e-mail address as her / his username to log in to the application interface. Username can not be changed from user interface after the user is created.

This user will be a member of the Administrator group and be able to log in to the application interface. Alongside the other admin users, application error notification mails will be sent to this user's e-mail address. 

Administrator Password

Enter a strong password for the first administrator user to be created. The user will use this password to log in to the application interface. Can be changed later from the user profile page or by sending a password change e-mail.


Default culture setting of the first administrator user. 


Language Code


Language Code



English (United States)

en-US (or en)

English (United Kingdom)


Dutch (Netherlands)


Spanish (Argentina)


Monitor Existing Domains

Previously registered Emakin domains are being listed under a table on this page. The columns are as follows:


Subdomain name.

Created At

Domain creation date.

Last Accessed At

Last access date of any user to the domain.

Is Protected ?

Emakin constantly checks existing domains for recent user access and decide if they are inactive and not being used for a while. After one year of no user access to the application interface, the domain gets deleted automatically.

A protected domain is not deleted even if it is inactive.


Domain status. 


Defined domain level.


This column has a delete button which deletes the domain and all of its content permanently.

Do not use this button unless you know what you are doing.

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