Activity Callbacks

Activity Callbacks

Activity callbacks are used to inject system-wide activities to perform additional operations when a certain type of activity occurs.

For example, if you have a custom notification system for mobile devices you may inject to work item assign type activities to send push notifications.


Is Enabled?

Specify whether the given activity callback is enabled or not.


Name of integration to identify.

Callback code

Integration script for activity.

The integration script called with a couple of predefined variables as follows;

Name of Variable


Name of Variable



Domain object


Array of target identities.


Activity object

Script content may vary depending on service definition but as an example the following script can be used;

if ($Activity.objectType == 'workitem' && $Activity['@type'] == 'assign') { var payload = { targets: $Targets.map(function (identity) { return identity.Id; }), message: $Activity.task + " " + $Activity.instructions }; var client = $Rest.Create('http://localhost/post'); client.Request().AddObject(payload).ExecuteJson(); }

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