

Creates a new message instance to be sent.

Message $Messages.New(to: string, subject: string, body: string)


string to

message to recipients in email format. Optional but you must set a recipient before sending.

string subject

subject of message. Optional.

string body

body of message. Optional.


This method does not send message, only prepares the message. To send message please use Message.Send method.


Send a message

var msg = $Messages.New( 'user@host.com' , 'remember' , 'Remember the milk!.' ); msg.Send();


Multiple Recipients

var msg = $Messages.New(); msg.Subject = $Xml.Evaluate('Dispatch/Subject'); msg.Body = $Xml.Evaluate('Dispatch/Body'); msg.DeleteAfter = $Calendar.AddDays($Calendar.Today,30); $Xml.SelectAll("To/Address", function(adr) { var type = adr.Evaluate('Type/Code'); if (type === 'To') { msg.To(adr.Evaluate('EMailAddress')); } else if (type === 'CC') { msg.CC(adr.Evaluate('EMailAddress')); } else if (type === 'BCC') { msg.BCC(adr.Evaluate('EMailAddress')); } }); $Xml.SelectAll("Attachments/Attachment", function(att) { msg.AttachFile(att.Evaluate('File')); }); msg.Send();

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