

Allows to access process data model. $Xml is a instance of XmlNode object and points the root of workflow instance pool.

const $Xml;


$Xml.SelectAll('//Customer', function(customer) { var id = customer.Evaluate('Id'); });

Reference point

$Xml object points different elements depending of where used.

In Pre work, Post work, Role, Route scripts $Xml is bound to process pool element.

Rule based Validation and Formatting rules $Xml is bound to control element.

Pool element is created at root of XML tree by default but sub-workflow instances may use any element in data tree.

Example Data Model for Pool</p> <p><form></p> <p> <Product></p> <p> <Id>1234</Id></p> <p> <Orders></p> <p> <Order></p> <p> <Id>4567</Id></p> <p> <Amount>1</Amount></p> <p> </Order></p> <p> <Id>8901</Id></p> <p> <Amount>2</Amount></p> <p> </Orders></p> <p> </Product></p> <p></form>

In product process $Xml will be point to "Product" element.

For Order process (as a sub-workflow of Product process) $Xml will point the "Order" element where is sub workflow is initiated.

For rules on "Amount" field $Xml will point "Amount" element.

Accessing Pool Root

Because $Xml may point different elements in data model, in some cases you may need to access pool root element. You can use "/form/Product" xpath or "$poolRoot" variable if you need to access pool root.


var productId = $Xml.Evaluate("/&#8727;/Product/Id");


Accessing pool root with variable

See Also

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