

Stores an object in cache.

void $Cache.Set(key: string, value: object)

Stores an object in cache with duration limit

void $Cache.Set(key: string, value: object, duration: string)


string key

Key of value

object value

value to be stored

string duration

Expiration duration. Optional.


If duration is not specified, object is stored as indefinitely until cache is cleared.

Duration can be specified in "day.hh:mm:ss" format.

Specifying value as null removes object from cache.


How to store an object in cache

var id = 1; $Cache.Set("myObject:" + id, { Name : 'Madonna' });


How to store an object in cache with duration

var id = 1; $Cache.Set("myObject:" + id, { Name : 'Madonna' }, "12:00:00");

See Also

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