Worklist is a list of to-do tasks while running a process. For example approving an expense form is a task for manager or resolving a reported technical problem is a task for service desk.
Task List
Task Name
What the task is about and instructions of what must be done to complete the task. You can open the task by clicking on task name.
Who has sent the task to you. Some tasks are started automatically and this field may be empty.
Started At
When the task is started.
Deadline date of task if set. When deadline date passes Emakin automatically close the task and advance.
Finished At
The end date of task if it is completed.
Track number of task. Each started process gets an incremental number for tracking if needed. You can open more detailed history of task by click on track number.
Task Toolbar
When a task is opened after clicking on its name, top of page is reserved for task toolbar. With toolbar actions you can close, print, add, remove labels, forward, publish or send task to someone else for delegation.
For example; Sent and publish options are created in process when you button to sent, your task will move to in inbox label.
Locked Tasks
Some of tasks may be sent to more than one person in your organization, and when you open the task you may see a locked form. A locked form is only for previewing the task, and cannot be unlocked until lock time is expired, or the task is closed without taking any other action, by the user who have locked the form.