Emakin market is a medium that allows potential costumers to meet our vertical applications. Vertical applications are prepared applications, also those are using from our costumers. Vertical applications title and summary are listed in the market. You can have a detailed information when you click on the title of the application. All of the applications are explained in the titles below.
Vertical application page offers the application of specifications in the three part. Those are the "features", the "licensing" and the "details".
Features part reports the purpose and specifications of an application, and for which problems solutions it can be used. Application features are defined through the main heading, subtitles and step of screenshots.
Licensing part allows to users of access limit in the Emakin. Limit specification can be change depend on the application features. System sets using three ways to decide the application of license; those are the quota, the users posts and the project piece.
Details part is defined the application other features.
Last edition number of application.
Type of licence.
Classification of application.
The person who responsible to this application.