

Executes the specified query and returns results as a DataTable instance.

DataTable $Database.Get(query: Query)


Query query

Query to execute.


Basic Query

var myTable = $Database.Get({ Parameters : { TargetSchema : 'HR', TargetTable : 'Groups' }, Where : { Criteria : [ { Name : 'Name', Value : 'Administrators' } ] }, Order : [ {Name : 'Order', Type : 'Ascending'} ] });


In the example below we queried the Makers table. The result is ordered in descending order and there is only one row because we set the Start parameter to 0 and MaxLength to 1.

var myTable = $Database.Get({ Parameters : { TargetSchema : 'HR', TargetTable : 'Groups' }, Columns : [ {Name : 'Order'} ], Start : 0, MaxLength : 1, Where : { Criteria : [ {Name : 'Name', Value : 'Administrators', Comparison : 'Different'} ] }, Order : [ {Name : 'Name', Type : 'Descending'} ] });


For example if you need a more complex query, containing multiple AND/OR conditions like "(X OR Y OR Z) AND W", you can use Blocks option. Check the code sample below.

var myTable = $Database.Get({ Parameters : { TargetSchema : 'HR', TargetTable : 'UserLogons' }, Where : { Blocks : [{ Condition : 'And', Criteria : [{ Name : 'User.EMailAddress', Value : '...', Condition : 'Or' }, { Name : 'User.EMailAddress', Value : '...', Condition : 'Or' }, { Name : 'User.EMailAddress', Value : '...' },] }], Criteria : [{ Name : 'User.Disabled', Value : 'true', Condition : 'And', Comparison : 'Different' }] } });


In the query below days gained by an employee is selected with the sum function.

In the example below, offers by suppliers are grouped by the day they made with their count.


Query with Expression - Advanced

See Also

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