Follow Your Leads in CRM Channel

On this page, the design of a structure where sales managers can track leads and initiate contract processes will be explained. In the CRM channel opened, each potential customer will be saved as a separate case. The contract process can be initiated from each case. After the contract process is initiated, the case profile information will be automatically updated, and the sales manager will quickly access the information he/she needs to reach.

Channel: An environment where multiple leads can be tracked separately.
Case: The structure where each lead is defined.
Profile: The form that displays the information that the sales representative needs to access quickly.
Contract process: The contract approval process.


This process consists of several steps. The steps, along with their explanations and visuals, are on the page step by step in the order of application.

Create a Folder

  • It is necessary to create a folder to put the process in.

  • From the Emakin main menu on the left of the page, select "All Folders" under the Folders heading.

  • A blank page opens with the "+New Folder" button at the top.

  • Press the "+New Folder" button.

  • A list opens with the Folder Name field and the Folder Type menu.

  • Enter "Contract " as the folder name.

  • The folder Type remains as Application

  • Then press Ok.

  • The folder has been created.

  • Folder Name (Contract) appears at the top of the page that opens after pressing Ok.

Create a Process

  • A process cannot be created without creating a folder. So the process is created after the folder.

  • Reach "Create a new process" from the right side of the page that opens.

  • Enter the process name as “Contract Process” in the field on the right side of the folder

  • Then click the blue plus button.

  • Process opened.

  • The opened process appears under the "Process in this folder" heading.

Create Contract Process

  • The page with the process settings, together with its name and version, opens.

  • To edit the process, click the blue "edit" button.


  • Opens a page with titles under the Process tab.

  • Select "Pool" under the Pools heading.

  • Click on the pool to start the process.

  • The initial task (green box) and form design options appear below the pool tab.

  • Each task represents a person in the process.

  • In other words, the "initial task" is for the first person to fill out the form.

  • Press to initiate the task.

  • The menu for the task appears on the right.

  • Change the name to “Contract Form.”

  • The caption changes automatically with the same


  • The process gets the same name as the caption.

  • When clicking on the Add New button on the right twice, the text becomes editable.

  • Write “Submit” on the button.

  • Click the Submit button, and a gray "Add New Task” appears on the right side of the button.

  • Press "Add New Task."

  • A new task named "Yellow Task” appears on the side.

  • The name of the yellow task is changed to "Contract Approval."

  • The name of the side button changes to "Submit.”

  • The icon to the right of the tasks is called "postwork".

  • After submitting the contract for approval and completing the process, this postwork is written to change the profile in the background.

  • Click on the postwork of the contract approval.

  • The postwork script tab opens.

  • Writes the code snippet below is written to the page

var profile = $Case.Profile; var profileTargetXml = profile.SelectSingle('ContractApproval'); var formSourceXml = $Xml.SelectSingle('ContractApproval'); profileTargetXml.InnerXml(formSourceXml.InnerXml()); $Case.ProfileChanged(false);
  • postwork part is over

  • Close the Postwork Script tab by pressing x.

  • Return to the pool page.

  • The postwork of the Order Information Check task appears to be white.

  • The postwork part is done.

Making the Process Relatable to a Case from Within the Pool

  • Press “Contract Process”.

  • The initial task menu opens on the side.

  • Select the “Is Case Handler?” title from the menu.

  • The process can add to a case.

Create a Form

  • There is a "Forms" heading under the tasks.

  • Select the form.

  • The form visually designs here.

  • Click the down arrow next to the form.

  • Select "Edit" from the drop-down menu.

  • Writes “Customer Information” to the Name and Caption.

  • Then press close.

  • Change the name of the form to “Contract Process Form.”

  • Then press Close.

  • Press the Contract Process Form.

  • The empty space appears on the opening page.

  • Click anywhere in the empty space.

  • Click "+Add New" from the grey menu in the corner.

  • Selects “Layout Controls.”

  • Select "Row Content" from the drop-down list.

  • Select “Create new section here”

  • Enter a section name.

  • Then press ok.

  • Row Content opens with a blue line around it and a grey menu below.

  • Click on "Columns".

  • Select three columns.

  • The column under the title was divided into three equal parts.

  • Add Row Content that is named “Contract” to each column.


  • Row Contents name comes as "Contract".

  • Click on the column under the contract on the left.

  • Click "+Add New" from the gray menu that appears.

  • Add text located in Add New>Input Controls.

  • Writes "ContractName" in Field Name.

  • If the field name has two or more words, the words must be combined.

  • The row content's name changes automatically with the text’s name.

  • The name can be edited from the side menu by pressing row content.

  • To add a column in the middle, press the Date and Time from the input controls.


  • The date and Time menu is open.

  • Press "No" to the “Is Range?” question.

  • Writes EndingTime to the field name.

  • Select "Date" from Field Type.

  • Then press ok.

  • The date will be used to enter the contract expiration time.

  • Press the column on the right

  • Select "File" from the input controls.

  • Write "Contract" as the field name.

  • The file will be used to store the contract document while running the process.

  • The form design is finished.

Create a Profile Form

  • Then click on the row content of the contract.

  • Press the “copy” button in the grey menu that appears.

  • Process copied

  • Then return to the “Process” tab from the contract form tab above.

  • Press + in "Form Templates", located at the two bottoms of the pool.

  • Press the "+" button, enter the name, and press ok.

  • The form to be made on the template is the form that will appear on the profile.

  • Writes “ContractProcess” to the name of the template.

  • The root element has no need to change.

  • Then press ok.

  • An empty space appears on the opening page.

  • Selects “Layout Controls.”

  • Select "Row Content" from the drop-down list.

  • Select “Create new section here”

  • Enter a section name.

  • Then press ok.

  • Row Content opens with a blue line around it and a grey menu below.

  • Click on "Columns".

  • Select three columns.

  • The column under the title was divided into three equal parts.

  • Add Row Content that is named “Contract” to each column.


  • Row Contents name comes as "Contract".

  • Click on the column under the contract on the left.

  • Click "+Add New" from the grey menu that appears.

  • Add text located in Add New>Input Controls.

  • Writes "ContractName" in Field Name.

  • If the field name has two or more words, the words must be combined.

  • The Row Content's name changes automatically with the text’s name.

  • The name can be edited from the side menu by pressing row content.

  • To add a column in the middle, press the Date and Time from the input controls.


  • The date and Time menu open.

  • Press "No" to the “Is Range?” question.

  • Writes EndingTime to the Field Name.

  • Select "Date" from Field Type.

  • Then press ok.

  • The date will be used to enter the contract expiration time.

  • Press the column on the right

  • Select "File" from the input Controls.

  • Write "Contract" as the Field Name.

  • The file will be used to store the contract document while running the process.

  • The template design is finished.

Edit Content Types

In order for the form template to be a case profile, it must be defined as a content type. Below we explained how we defined the form template we prepared as content type.

  • Select "Process" from the tabs above.

  • Then, select "Content Types" under the Other heading.

  • Press the "+Add New Content Type” button.

  • Writes “ContentTypeContract” to the Name and “Contract” to the Caption fields.

  • Select "ContractProcess" in the template list.


  • Then, press “Done.”

  • Content Type created.

  • Press the green "Close" button on the tabs.

  • Press "Commit Changes" to save the changes.

Open a Channel

  • A channel is opened to follow up on potential customers.

  • Click "+", which is next to the GROUP CHANNELS text on the Emakin main menu on the side.

  • If the public is selected as the type, everyone can see and join. Only those who have been invited will be able to use the private option.

  • Enter “CRM” into the channel name.

  • Purpose can be left blank. If the purpose is written, anyone who is on the channel can see it.

  • The "Enable Case" heading remains ticked because there is a case that also has a case.

  • Then, press OK.

  • The CRM channel was opened.

Add Associated Process to Channel

  • Click on the name of the channel above and press "Edit."

  • Click on “Related Processes” from the tabs above.

  • Click the blue "+ Add New" button.

  • The new line appears.

  • Click on "Process" in the line that appears.

  • The new line appears.

  • Click on "Process" in the line that appears and select "Contract Process"

  • After pressing OK, the tab closes and returns to the channel's main page.

Creating a Case in a Channel

  • Press the blue "+ New Case" button at the top of the page.

  • The Case Information window opens.

  • Writes about the subject of the case.

  • Select the process type under the Details title.

  • The created form opens with the profile title under Details.

  • Press ok.

  • The case opens with the profile tab.

  • The profile window is empty at first because it is not filled.

Start the Contract Process

  • Next to the case page is the "Process" heading.

  • The created process appears under Process.

  • Click on the process name to start.

  • Fills in the blanks.

  • Then, press submit

  • Yes, the button can be pressed without commenting on the comment tab.

  • Then, the process comes to the second task as written.

  • Press submit again, and yes, in the comment tab.

  • The contract approval task will come.

  • Then the submit button is pressed.

  • After submitting, the system returns to the home page of the Emakin in a new tab.

  • Returns to the browser tab where the channel is located.

  • The channel's profile comes with updated information.

  • The process appears as completed on the side.

  • The profile update is done.



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