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Channels are listed in the left navigation menu. You can create a A new channel can be created by simply clicking on the "plus+" button. Moreover, you can have private channels to which only the invited members of your organization can have access and all the conversations are preserved securely until the channel is deletedThere are “Private” and “Public” channels.

Channel Types

Public Channels

Public channels are group channels where everyone anyone can quickly join or leave. The group manager can add any person as a member, or any user in the system can join the group using the "More" button.
If desired, the public channel can convert switch to a private channel by selecting "Convert to Private Channel" from the channel menu.


Private channels are only open to a specific group of users and cannot access be accessed or viewed by those who are not invited. The group manager can add any person to the channel with the "Manage Members" option from the channel menu. Members can leave the channel as they wish, but they must invite get invited to join again. The A private channel cannot convert to a public channel.

Direct Messages

This section allows users to message directly between themselves. Furthermore, all conversations in a private channel are preserved securely until the channel is deleted.

Channels Basic Features

You can reach the essential features of the channels by clicking on the channel name.


Manage Members
Use this feature to add new members, delete members, and give permissions to members. Members can participate in the channel according to their type of permission.

All: Members with full authority can the highest authorization level. In “All” level, users can edit the channel, delete it, manage members, convert the channel to a private channel, view the statistics, leave the channel and manage all cases in the channel.


Convert to Private Channel
Select this option to change convert the public channel to a private channel. If you make the channel privatebecomes “private”, only members can access it.


Enable Time Tracking
Enables or disables the time tracking feature for cases.

Enable Milestone
Enables or disables the milestone feature for cases.

Mail Monitoring

Emakin can automatically create cases from incoming mails by periodically monitoring one or more specified e-mail accounts.


The notification template also supports dynamically importing case properties into notification messages. Following pre-defined variables can be used.



Example Value


The unique number of the case.



The subject of the case.


Description of the case.


URL of the case.


Recipients of notification.

John Doe, Jane Doe

{{ <XPath> }}

Result of evaluated xpath value. ( ex. {{Profile/MyProfile/MyField}} )

Message Signature

You can add signatures to the end of the notification messages. Signatures support a rich-text format that allows you to include text decorations or images. In addition, signatures may contain case-specific variables to be included in the messages. You can access these variables in the %VARIABLE_NAME% format: The following fields can be used as variables.

Variable Name



The unique number of the case


The subject of the case


Link of the case. Requires an authorized user to access the case.


Related Processes

Related processes are the list of attached processes to channel. These attached processes will appear on the user's case screen to be initiated. Please see the process administration for more details.


This section is used to create rules on case routing and set the priority of the cases. The decision table helps to define the inputs and the outputs. When a case is created, all these rules are executed automatically.


Time Tasks

Emakin allows users to enter the duration that they work for the case. To be more specific with these durations, users can indicate their type of work according to the variables. This section helps you to define these variables.


Webhooks are used to integrate channels or cases with third-party applications. Webhook URL is automatically generated by the system and cannot be changed. Please see the Channel WebHooks page for more details.

