Versions Compared


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Data models  define how data is connected to each other. Emakin BPM uses data model connections in the forms.


We will create first section in data model. First section will have two element, identity and desectionment.

  • Click "Add New ElementsElement" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "Owner" name in to name field.
       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the owner title, select the type of string and enter "Identity" name in to name field.

       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the owner title,  select the type of string and enter "Desectionment" name in to name field.    


We will create second section in data model. Second section will have one element, date.

  • Click "Add New ElementsElement" button under the owner title, elements design window will open.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "FormInformation" name in to name field.
       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the form in formation title, select the type of date and enter "Date" name in to name field.

Expense List Section

We will create third section in data model. Third section will have container element and sub-elements.

  • Click "Add New ElementsElement" button under the form information title, elements design window will open.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "ExpenseList" name in to name field.

  • Click "Add New ElementsElement" button under the expense list title, elements design window will open.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "Expense" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "Yes, use multiple copies"  below "Is list Item?" title.

       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the expense title, select the type of string and enter "Reason" name in to name field.

       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the reason title, select the type of container and enter "ExpenseGroup" name in to name field.
             * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the expense group title, select the type of string and enter "Name" name in to name field.         

             *Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the name title, select the type of number and enter "Id" name in to name field.

      * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the form in expense group title, select the type of date and enter "Date" name in to name field.
      * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the form in date title, select the type of number and enter "Amount" name in to name field.

       * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the amount title, select the type of container and enter "Unit" name in to name field.

            * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the unit title, select the type of string and enter "Name" name in to name field.
            * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the name title, select the type of number and enter "Id" name in to name field.

       *Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the unit title, select the type of container and enter "VAT" name in toname field.

            * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the VAT title, select the type of string and enter "Name" name in to name field.     
            * Click "Add New ElementsElement" button below the name title, select the type of number and enter "Id" name in to name field.