• In review
  • Review the data model

    The expense submission business process requires a few data elements. In Emakin these are defined by a data model. Although the user has full control of the data model, the Process Designer assists the user by transparently updating the data model whenever changes are made to the form.

    The Process Designer automatically creates one default data model, named Data, and that’s good enough for this exercise. We’ve already designed the form, so it's expected the data model to have been updated accordingly. Let’s review the data model and verify that its hierarchical structure is similar to the one depicted below.

    - Data - ExpenseReport - Origin - Employee - Department - Date - Details - Expenses - Expense - Description - Amount - Currency
    1. Click the Expense Management folder entry on Emakin’s sidebar and the folder is displayed;

    2. Click the rightmost Menu button on Emakin’s top bar to open the business processes sidebar;

    3. Click the Expense Submission process entry in the processes sidebar and the process is displayed;

    4. Click the Edit button on the Expense Submission process to open the Process Designer;

    5. Click the Data Model in the Other section and the data model is displayed in the Process Designer;

    6. Explore the data model and confirm that it has exactly the expected hierarchical structure.


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