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E-Mail From Address for Mail Notifications
This is the email address of the notifications that the system will send.

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Re-Open Cases
If you click on this option, the closed case will automatically open when a new mail arrives. 

Mail Threading Method
It works when click on the re-open cases check box. 

Look for headers and case in number in subject
When you choose this option; If the case number and subject of the new incoming e-mail are the same as the case number in the channel, the e-mail is considered as a continuation of this case. If the subject or case number is different, the mail is opened as a new case.

Look for headers only

When you choose this option; If the case subject of the new incoming e-mail are the same as the case subject in the channel, the e-mail is considered as a continuation of this case. If the case subject is different, the mail is opened as a new case.

Look for case number in subject, otherwise create a new case
When you choose this option; If the case number of the new incoming e-mail are the same as the case number in the channel, the e-mail is considered as a continuation of this case. If the case number is different, the mail is opened as a new case.

Specifies the mail account server name. The mail account must support the  IMAP protocol.


Begin From
Specifies the beginning date of the emails that the system will retrieve. 

Notification Templates

This section's purpose is to define the notification templates that will be used when sending notifications. Emakin will send these notifications automatically when an event is triggered. The possible events are listed below:

E-mail address for notifications
Specify the email address for notifications. If not specified channel address is used.

Case Open
The content of the notification message for newly opened cases.

Case Assigned
The content of the notification message when a case is assigned to a user.

Deadline Occurs
The content of the notification message when a case is deadlined.

Case Closed
The content of the notification message when a case is closed.

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Specifies the recipients of the notification.


Specifies the content of the notification.

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You can define additional reminder notifications if a case is not closed on time.


Notification template also supports to dynamically import case properties into notification message. Following pre-defined variables can be used.

VariableDescriptionExample Value
{{Number}}Unique number of case.1234
{{Subject}}Subject of case.
{{Description}}Description of case.
{{Url}}URL of case.
{{ <XPath> }}Result of evaluated xpath value. ( ex. {{Profile/MyProfile/MyField}} )

Message Signature

You can add signatures to the end of the notification messages. Signatures support a rich-text format that allows you to include text decorations or images. In addition, signatures may contain case-specific variables to be included in the messages. You can access these variables in the %VARIABLE_NAME% format: The following fields can be used as variables.
