How does pricing work?
Emakin platform is based on named user count. There are user packages starting from 50 and continuing in groups (100, 250, 500, 1.000 and so forth). So, our customers choose the package that suits them and start using.
Please contact our sales team from this link to know more about the pricing details. https://www.emakin.com/request-demo
Are licenses transferable?
Yes. The system asks you not to exceed the number of active users at any time. So, you may disable some users and add any new users as long as the total active user count does not exceed the license.
Can I try Emakin BPMS?
Yes, you can. Please contact our sales team from this link
Request demo: https://www.emakin.com/request-demo
Do you have a partner reseller program?
Yes, we do. If you are planning to be a part of Emakin Community, please contact us from this link. https://www.emakin.com/contact
Do you provide personalized Emakin BPMS training?
Yes, we provide training programs for both end users, business/citizen developers and software developers.
Does Emakin BPMS have user guide ?
Yes, You can find all the information about Emakin BPMS on our wiki page. wiki.emakin.com. link
Can I access Emakin BPMS from my mobile phone? Is there an app?
Yes. You can access Emakin BPMS from mobile phones, tablets, and any modern web browser. Moreover, you can download the native Emakin BPMS app from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.
How can I add a custom logo?
You can add your custom logo to your Emakin BPMS account from Administrator -> Edit Domains folder. Click for more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkq6HhS8vWI&list=PLA2eeQWw7vVwn55BpWhhv5_zaboxCKg_K&index=3&ab_channel=emakin.com