
Roles are definitions of who will be responsible for a task. 

For a role you can configure the following:

Name of a role to identify.

Caption of a role. Captions are shown to the users, and can be localized when it is needed.

Decision Logistic

Decision logistic part is consist two options.

Decision Table

It is a table in which rules are written to assign a task to a different person/position/group/department according to the data in the form. Rules are written without using code.  Rules are entered in the input part. In the output part, the responsible/responsibles to be assigned when the rule runs are selected.

For more information click on:  Decision table


Role Script

Script that returns the list of the responsible persons.  

Role scripts requires at least one identity to continue. If role script is not empty and does not return any identity, emakin produces an error.

Example Role Scripts

Role script has a wizard to quickly build common used role definitions, but you can use the following example scripts if needed.

Assign to a specific identity.

Id number of identity can be specified from the role wizard with selecting an identity option.


Assign by the Data Model field

Assume that a data field has an "Employee" field which is filled by the user form.


Assign Multiple Users

Using a javascript array, it allows assigning multiple users.

[ $Xml.Evaluate('Employee'), $Membership.Get('d3b1fe89-6873-4438-8762-164ed73a9054') ]

Alternatively you can use semicolon to specify multiple users. 


$Xml.Evaluate('Employee') + ';' + 'd3b1fe89-6873-4438-8762-164ed73a9054'

Find Manager

Using this javascript array, it is used to assign a role to the manager of the user who completed the work in the previous step.

$Membership.FindManager( $WorkItem.Previous.CompletedBy );

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