Returns the datetime offset value of the specified xpath.DateTimeOffset myXml.EvaluateDateTime()
DateTimeOffset myXml.EvaluateDateTime(xpath: string)
string xpath
XPath to evaluate. If not specifed current node is used.
Difference between $Xml.Evaluate and $Xml.EvaluateDateTime (when both of them are used on a Date Time type of data):
$Xml.EvaluateDateTime returns object as a data type, and it will return NULL when there is no actual value;
$Xml.Evaluate returns string as a data type and it will be empty (but not a NULL) when there is no actual value.
Finding the value of the date and time when the current customer created a form:
Evaluate with an xpath
var createdAt = $Xml.EvaluateDateTime('//Customer/CreateDate');
Evaluate with an xpath
var createdAt = $Xml.EvaluateDateTime('//Customer/CreateDate');