Localization feature allows to run your processes in other languages. In emakin every started workflow instance has an culture identifier that specifies the language of workflow instance. It set from preference of initiator user when a instance started and cannot be changed later.
Instance culture specifies the language of displayed labels in forms but it does not change cultural information like number formats or date formats. This kind of formatting respects to active user preferences.
In emakin designed process language is not important, you can use any language to design. After design is completed or an change is applied you can open the localization editor from process designer.
After a localization editor is opened you can add any other languages with "Add New" button to localize process.
Each added language has an 2 letter identifier of language. List of language identifier can be found at List of ISO 639-1 codes
After a language added you can click to "Details" button to edit localization texts. Emakin will be scan your process and list of texts to localize. Non localized texts will be marked as red but it's not mandatory. If do not localize original string is used.
After localization is completed, depending on active user language preference process will be displayed and run in localized language.
Accessing from Scripting Environment
In some cases you may need access to localization texts in scripting environment. For example updating task instruction dynamically with localized equivalent.
Localization entries are stored in $Localization object and accessed in following format:
$Localization.<Group>.<Source Text>
Name of localization group. You can find group name from "Group" column in localization list.
Source Text
Key of localization entry. All of non valid characters like spaces or punctuation characters (e.g. %, ?, - ) are removed and keys are generated only from a-z or A-Z or 0-9 characters.
For example you can use following keys:
$Localization.Label.Owner; $Localization.Label.NameSurname;