Returns list of cases on specified channel.DataTable $Domain.ListCases(channelId: string, query: string, start: number, length: number, columns: string, orderBy: string, order: string)
string channelId
Id number of channel. Optional. If not specified search is performed in all channels.
string query
Query to execute on cases.
number start
Start number of results. Default is 0.
number length
Maximum length of results. Default is 100
string columns
Comma separated column names to include in result. If not specified all columns are returned.
string orderBy
of list result
string order
type of list result
Instance of DataTable that contains case list.Remarks
Query syntax is based full text engine query language.
Search for word "foo" in the Subject field.
``` Subject:foo
Search for phrase "foo bar" in the title field.
``` Subject:"foo bar"
Search for phrase "foo bar" in the Subject field AND the 123 value in Number field.
``` Subject:"foo bar" and Number:123 ```` @example Search for all cases in closed at date range.
``` @example List cases on channel