Versions Compared


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Array<string> $XmlRepository.Query(xquery: string)


Array<string> $XmlRepository.Query(xquery: string, parameters: object, collection: string)


string xquery
Specifies the query to perform on the database. The syntax of the query is quite detailed. More information can be found on ,xquery standard, page
object parameters
Specifies the binding parameters on xquery string.
string xquery collection
Specifies the query to perform on the database. The syntax of the query is quite detailed. More information can be found on ,xquery standard, page. ,
object parameters
Specifies the binding parameters on xquery stringcollection name to query. If not specified, the domain database will be queried.


If query does not return any result than return value is empty array.

The examples below shows how to query the domain database.

The syntax of the query is quite detailed. More information can be found on xquery standard page. ,


Find all customers


Code Block
$XmlRepository.Query('let $nodeValue := fn:parse-xml-fragment($nodeValue)' +
                     'for $record in Relation[Id=$id]/RepHistory/RepHistoryRecord[InstanceId=$instanceId] return ' +
                     '(delete node $record)', {
   id : relationId,
   instanceId : $Xml.Evaluate('SelectedHistory/Id'),
   nodeValue : $Xml.SelectSingle('.').InnerXml()


Querying process database

var results = $XmlRepository.Query('collection("49551ed3-6229-408a-aaaa-eb510463acad")//Customer[Id=$id]', { id : $Xml.Evaluate('CustomerId') }); $Xml.InnerXml( 'Customers', results[0].Evaluate('Id') );
Code Block

If you want to query the database of a process, you can use the collection keyword. You have to give the name of the database which is a GUID. For process databases, you can have that GUID by $Instance.ProcessId.


Code Block
Querying process database
var results = $XmlRepository.Query('collection("49551ed3-6229-408a-aaaa-eb510463acad")//Customer[Id=$id]', {
   id : $Xml.Evaluate('CustomerId')
$Xml.InnerXml( 'Customers', results[0].Evaluate('Id') );

See Also