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The design of your XML data model and SQL table columns are the key point for the ease of use. When XML node and table column names identical, this method maps them automatically.

Map Function

Map function is used to transform values before saving. For example; encrypting a password before saving to database. See $Database.ExportToXml for more details.


Code Block
    TargetSchema : 'Edoksis',
    TargetTable : 'Accounts',
    XPath : 'Accounts/Account',
    Map : function (xml) {
        var pass = xml.Evaluate('Password');
        // if not marked as encrypted (means user has edited the password field) encrypt it
        if (!pass.startsWith('Enc:'))
            this.Password = $Crypto.Encrypt($EncryptionPassword, this.Id, xml.Evaluate('Password'));
        else // otherwise just remove the mark
            this.Password = pass.substr(4);


Code Block
$Database.ImportFromXml({                                                                        // Save employee
   Parameters : {
       TargetSchema : 'HR',
       TargetTable : 'Employee'
   XPath : 'Identities/Identity',                                                                // Find rows under Identities/Identity xpath
   ColumnsXPath : 'Employee',                                                                    // Fetch column values from Employee. Final xpath
   Map : function(employeeNode) {

        $Database.Get({                                                                           // Fetch matching records from database
           Parameters : {
               TargetSchema : 'HR',
               TargetTable : 'OrganizationUnitPositionMembers'
           Where : {
             Criteria : [
               { Name : 'Employee', Value : employeeNode.Evaluate('Id') },                       // "Employee must equal to Employee/Id xpath value."
               { Name : 'RegistryNumber', Value : '%2', Comparison : 'Like', Condition : 'Or' }  // Another criteria just for sample. "or RegistryNumber must ends with 2"
       .DeleteAll()                                                                              // Delete existing all rows
       .CreateNew(function() {                                                                   // Create a new row
           this.Employee = employeeNode.Evaluate('Id');                                          // Set Employee column to "Employee/Id" xpath value.
           this.OrganizationUnitPosition = employeeNode.Evaluate('Employee/Position');           // Set OrganizationUnitPosition column to "Employee/Position" xpath value.
       .Save();                                                                                  // Save this table.


{ // Array of columns Columns : Array<QueryColumn> Map : (node: XmlNode Xml) => void // Maximum number of rows. If not set all rows are returns. MaxLength : number // Root node of mapping. If not specified $Xml instance is used. Node : XmlNode Xml // Array of order columns Order : Array<QueryOrder> // Additional parameters Parameters : object // Start index of rows. Start : number // Array of sub queries. SubQueries : Array<SubQuery> // Name of schema to execute query on. TargetSchema : string // Name of table to execute query on. TargetTable : string // Criteria of query Where : QueryBlock // Root xpath to be mapped. XPath : string }
