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WorkItem $Domain.Initiate(inputData: any, process: string)


WorkItem $Domain.Initiate(inputData: ( string | Xml ), process: string, options: InitiateOptions)


any ( string | Xml ) inputData
Specifies the input data of new instance. Can be specified as xml string or Xml | xml node.
string process
Specifies the process of new instance. Can be Name or Id number of process. If not specified current process is used.
of initiateSpecifies the options of new instance.



{ // Culture of initiated workflow new instance. If not specified uses the current instance culture. Culture : string // Initiator identity of process Initiator Identity of initiator. If not specified null value used. Initiator : string // Parent work item. If not specified current work item is set as parent. Parent : string // Name or Id or name of task to initiate be initiated. If not specified, uses the Initiator task if found only one exist, otherwise throws error. Task : string // Test mode status of initiated workflowSpecifies the initiate in test mode or not. If not specified uses the current instance's test mode state. TestMode : boolean // Version of process to initiate Version : string }

See Also