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Login services that are allowed for logging into the application are configured on in this section. While Emakin provides its own login service, it also supports integration with various login services. You can configure as many login methods as you want, customize their display name on the login page, and enable/disable them anytime.Image Removed



Login Service

Select a login service from the dropdown. The provided login services are as follows:

  • Emakin is the built-in login service of Emakin. It comes configured by default on all applications.

  • Active Directory allows you to integrate with your active directory service to use for authentication.

  • Google allows you to integrate with Google login service to use

    for  authenticatio

    for authentication.

  • Office365 allows you to use the Office365 login service for authentication.

  • Linkedin allows you to integrate with


    the LinkedIn login service to use for authentication.

  • E-Devlet allows you to integrate with the E-Devlet login service to use for authentication.


Name to be displayed on login page for the login method.

Is Enabled?

Enable/disable the login method with this option.

Allow select in login page?

Configure the login method as available or hidden on the login page.

Client Id

Client Id to authenticate with external login service. Leave empty for Emakin login service.

Client Secret

Client Secret to authenticate with external login service. Leave empty for Emakin login service.

Service Callback

This option specifies which URL will be called back after returning from service authentication to the application.

Provided options are:

  • Application callback calls back the application URL.
  • Domain callback calls back the specific domain URL which the request was made from.


Scope specifies the permission scope that is requested from the login service. Leave empty to use basic profile access.

See related login service documentation for further informationLogin Service
Specifies the type of login service. In addition to built-in Emakin and Active Directory services other integrated open auth services can be used as a login service.

Identifier of login service to display end users.

Is Enabled?
Specifies the service is enabled. If not enabled service is not displayed to users.

Requires 2FA
Specifies that two-factor authentication is required. If checked after the service login has succeeded users also have to enter a 2FA code (SMS etc) to log in. 2FA provisioning (for example registering the mobile number of the user) is automatically handled by emakin.

Specifies the requested open auth scopes from service. Only displayed for integrated services and not available for built-in services.