Columns are used in the Row Layout Content to build a grid layout. In By default, there is only one column in each content, and its width is set to fill in the whole width of its parent.
Clicking on a column pops up a design actions menu with the following options:
Include Page _Other Properties _Other Properties
- Add New is used to add content into to the column.
Adjusts the alignment of the column with respect to its parent.
A row content is assumed to have a maximum width of 12 columns in total. Conforming to this, a column may have a width of 1 to 12 columns. If the "inherit from smaller" option is selected, it inherits the width from the configuration for the smaller device, which is specified at a responsive layout section.
Responsive Layout
Defines how the column is going to be displayed on the mobile device screens. It provides width option selection for desktop, landscape and portrait orientations of a tablet and a regular mobile phone. Landscape The landscape orientation of a tablet is the default width which is defined in the previous section.