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DataTable $Database.ExportToXml(query: QueryWithMappings)


Query of data to export.


When IncludeAllColumns parameter is not specified, default behavior is query returns only explicitly specified columns. If not any column specified query returns the all defined columns on table.


Code Block
    TargetSchema : 'MySchema',
    TargetTable : 'Accounts',
    XPath : 'Accounts/Account',
    // map values whose names are not identical to SQL column names
    Map : function (accountXml) {
        thisaccountXml.SetValue('Password = 'Enc:' +', this.Password; // mark as encrypted);
        this.AccountType = accountXml.EvaluateSetValue('Type/Code');  // map values whose names are not identical to SQL column names, this.AccountType);


Exporting database content into XML


{ // Array of columns Columns : Array<QueryColumn> Map : (node: Xml) => void // Maximum number of rows. If not set all rows are returns. MaxLength : number // Root node of mapping. If not specified $Xml instance is used. Node : Xml // Array of order columns Order : Array<QueryOrder> // Additional parameters Parameters : object // Start index of rows. Start : number // Array of sub queries. SubQueries : Array<SubQuery> // Name of schema to execute query on. TargetSchema : string // Name of table to execute query on. TargetTable : string // Criteria of query Where : QueryBlock // Root xpath to be mapped. XPath : string }



{ // Expression of column. Expression : string // Name of column to use in results. If not specified expression is used. Name : string // XPath to be mapped. XPath : string }



{ // Expression to order. Expression : string // Type of ordering. If not specified Ascending is used. Type : ( "Ascending" | "Descending" ) }


{ // Array of columns Columns : Array<QueryColumn> // Maximum number of rows. If not set all rows are returns. MaxLength : number // Name of sub query. Relation name can be used as name. Name : string // Array of order columns Order : Array<QueryOrder> // Additional parameters Parameters : object // Name of relation Relation : string // Start index of rows. Start : number // Array of sub queries. SubQueries : Array<SubQuery> // Name of schema to execute query on. TargetSchema : string // Name of table to execute query on. TargetTable : string // Criteria of query Where : QueryBlock // Specifies the target xpath to export data on. XPath : string }


{ // Array of criteria blocks Blocks : Array<QueryBlock> // Condition with next block. If not specified And value is used. Condition : ( "And" | "Or" ) // Array of criteria Criteria : Array<QueryCriteria> }



{ // Comparison operator. Default value is Equals. Comparison : ( "Equals" | "Different" | "LessThan" | "GreaterThan" | "LessThanOrEqualTo" | "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" | "Like" ) // Condition with next criteria. If not specified And value is used. Condition : ( "And" | "Or" ) // Criteria expression. Expression : string // Array of ignored values. IgnoredValues : any // Value or Expression to compare Value : any // Type of value. If not specified Direct value is used. ValueType : ( "Direct" | "Expression" ) }

See Also
