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Pool is a container of a diagram. Most of the business processes require more than one diagram for different operations. For example advance request and expense payment diagrams can be defined in one process. 

For a pool, you can configure the following:

Image Added

Identifies the pool. This information is used only for by process designers and are is not visible by for users.

Default Form
Default selected form to show users if task does not specify any form.

Data Root
Root data element be is used from 
data model. Different pools may share the same root element if it is needed.

Is Administrative ?
Check this option if the pool is used only for administrative operations. When checked pool , the pool can only be accessed only by the user that has "write" permission on the process, or if the user is an admin. For example; You may need to create an Options diagram to set process preferences.

Is Anonymously Accessible ?
Check this option to allow the access for the anonymous (non-logged in) users. This option also requires anonymous access permission on domain preferences.


Pool also contains following properties:

Open Script

Script to be executed for every new instances just before first task. This script may be useful to assign dynamically changing default values. (ex: assign current date to form value) Please refer to scripting section for more detailPlease refer to the Instance Opening Script for more details.

Closing Script

Script to be executed for every normally closed (by user action or deadline) instances. This script may be useful for export process data to any external system. Please refer to scripting section for more detailPlease refer to the Instance Closing Script for more details.

Terminating Script

Script to be executed for terminated (forced by administrative or system) instances. Please refer to scripting section for more detailPlease refer to the Instance Termination Script for more details.


List of the message templates to be used for mail notifications. More information can be found at at the Templates section.


List of variables to use in the variables which will be used in a scripting environment. Variables are used to define and easy to easily update static values to use in for rule validations, formulas etc. Defined variables can be accessed with $ sign prefix. Example: $ExpenseLimit

Variable values can be override overriden with Task definitions to update the value only in only a task scope. Example: $AllowPriceChange can be set to false in pool definition and can be set to true for administrative type tasks to disable on the rule validation.