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There are You can set several properties you can set on the Edit Domain page, such as domain logo, default theme, user  user interface customizations, working calendar, and login properties.


Some of the visual properties of the Emakin interface are available to be customized under this section. 

Set a default color style by selecting a theme.

This property is used to change the platform’s logo. You can add a special upload your own logo into the system. 

In addition to the selected theme, you can also personalize and override visual properties with the CSS field. Put your CSS code into  into the CSS box.           

You can learn how to change the logo by watching this video:

Widget Connector






Define your working days, working hours, annual holidays and other holidays. The calendar details added here are taken into account when making calculations on considered when calculating the tasks reminder and deadlines.

Name of Calendar
Give a describing name to save your calendar.

Working Days
Select working days. 

Working Hours
Choose the range of your working hours. 

  • Start time, begin of working start time.

  • End time, finish of working end time.

Annual Holidays
Add annual holidays to your calendar. Regardless These holidays will be considered every year regardless of the given year value, these holidays will be taken into account every year's value.

Add other holidays to your calendar that arenholidays to your calendar that doesn't repeat annually repeating. These holidays will only be regarded for the year value entered.

You can learn how to edit a working calendar by watching this video:

Widget Connector






Integrated Services

Enable external authentication methods for users to login into Emakin, for example LinkedIn or Facebook.

You can learn how to manage domain login methods by watching this video:   

Widget Connectorwidth400url of available integrated services to use as a calendar, file sharing, or login method.

Available services are configured by the system administrator and may be enabled for all domains.

Some services may use globally defined credentials and if you want to use your credentials you may specify the ClientId, ClientSecret, etc by expanding the settings panel.


Login configuration settings and available log in methods to authenticate all users.

Use Single Session
Specifies whether to log users out of their previous sessions when logging in on multiple devices.

New Device Notification
Specifies whether or not users are to be notified when a new device is detected.

Login Services

List of configured login methods. Login methods are configured by the system administrator and domain administrators are only allowed to enable or disable it. You may also require the 2FA authentication after the login has succeeded.

API Keys

API keys are used to authenticate your application to integrate it with Emakin Rest Services. Any program or user can connect to Emakin using the API Keys.

A name to register while registering an API Key.

When you fill the description field, The Emakin system creates a unique API Key when you fill the description field.

Details This part is the API Key permission list. You can arrangement that permission arrange the permissions for each API Key. API Key can only do the operations just that has have the permission.Image Removed


Security Profiles

Security profiles can be used to provide permissions for accessing Emakin screens and contents like folders, processes and documents. Create  Create security profiles to manage user access permissions at one place and to use later on other screens. 

Name of the security profile.

Access Control List

Identity specifies the responsible person, unit or group.  

Permission specifies the authorization level of Identity. There are four authorization levels which are : Read, Execute, Write, and All.

  • Read

     allows user

     allows users to see folders, contents inside and start tasks.

  • Execute grants the same permissions as a process administrator. Users with this permission can execute any action provided to process administrators, such as configuring the settings page of a process.

  • Write allows


    users to access the process design screen and make changes

    on it


  • All permission consists of all three permissions listed above.

Clicking the little downward arrow next to the Identity selection field opens up a details panel that consists of three subtitles. Those These subtitles are "type", "begins at" and "expires at".

  • Type consists of two options: allow and deny to manage identity's permission

    . Those are allow and deny


  • Begins At (optional), the start date of the permission period. If it's for the "allow" type, you can access that folder/process/document after the beginning date. If it's for the "deny" type, you can't access that folder/process/document after the beginning date.

  • Expires At (optional),


    the end date of the permission period. If it's for the "allow" type, you can't access that folder/process/document after the expiry date. If it's for the "deny" type, you can access that folder/process/document after the expiry date.

IP Restriction

IP restriction subsection is used for restricting access to the Emakin system from chosen IP addresses to Emakin system. A . You can specify a single IP address or a range of IP addresses can be specified. If the accessing IP address matches with the specified IP addresses, you won't be able to login emakinto log in to the Emakin. Be careful with this setting, since you may end up with no remote access. Local IP address "" is always allowed.

IP Range
A single IP address or an IP range to restrict access. 


You can use single IP address like "" or you can specify subnetwork like "" or "" or ""

URL Credentials

List of credentials to apply when a web request is performed. Http HTTP-based SOAP and Rest requests are automatically authenticated if the requested url URL matches the any of listlists.

User Password Credentials

Integration URL.

User Name
User name information for authentication.

Password information for authentication.

Service Credentials

Enter the service name for name for authentication.

Integration URL.

Enter the API Key.

Choose the service type.

  • Client

  • Server

Enter the information of configuration.

External Database Credentials

Specifies the external database connection credentials to use in connections. See Database.ExecuteQuery

Name of external database connection.

Type of external database.

Connection String
Connection string of database.



Connection String



MS Sql Server (Default Instance)

Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

MS SQL Server (Instance)

Server=myServerName\myInstanceName;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Oracle (with tnsnames.ora)

Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Integrated Security=no;

Oracle (without tnsnames.ora)


Additional information of database.

Password Policy

Specify a policy on user passwords.

Minimum Password Length
Specify a minimum required length for passwords.

Minimum Numeric (0..9) Letters
Specify how many numeric letters are required to use in a password.

Minumum Minimum Upper Case (A..Z) Letters
Specify how many upper case letters are required to use in a password

Minimum Lower Case (a..z) Letters
Specify how many lower case letters are required to use in a password.

Required Chars
Require users to include specific characters in their passwords. 


Manage your subdomain specific e-mail configurations on in this section.

e-Mail Actions

Specifies whether or not email actions are enabled. When enabled user may select actions on assigned tasks without accessing the system.

Mail Services

You can add multiple configurations, but you have to enable only one of the configurations to be used for sending them to send e-mails from Emakin. If no configuration is set or there is no enabled configuration, domain e-mail configuration is used instead.

Set e-mail configuration as enabled/disabled. If you click on yes, related e-mail definition will be used.

From Address
Visible sender e-mail address on mails.

From Display Name
Visible sender display name on mails.

SMTP host address.

The port number to communicate with SMTP host.

User Name
User name information to authenticate with the host.

Password information to authenticate with the host.

Enable SSL
Set connection type with host as SSL.


Customize navigation menus and manage users' interactions over several Emakin screens.

Screen Name
Give a describing name to save your screen configuration.

Navigation Menu

Customize Emakin navigation menus for a selected group of users.

Domain Logo
Enable/Disable domain logo visibility.

Enable/Disable full-text search in Emakin.

Manage the layout design of the Emakin dashboard. You can add multiple dashboards , and change their display names and icons shown on the navigation menu. Click the arrow beside to open the editor pane panel and manage its layout by adding various preset reports about Emakin usage statistics such as favourite tasks, average task duration, busiest users, activity heartbeat adjusting their size responsively for responsively for desktop, tablet and mobile. Leave this list empty to use the default dashboard view.

Activity StreamWorklist Menu
Enable/Disable Activity Stream page label on navigation menuuser worklist label.

Work List LabelsChannels
Enable/Disable work channel list labels.

Enable/Disable Calendar label.

Enable/Disable the visibility of folders.

App Market
Enable/Disable Market label.

Enable/Disable Administration label.


Manage several additional features for your screen configurations. You can enable/disable the features below:

  • Send dynamic notifications for activities
  • Show help button in toolbar
  • Allow users to forward tasks to other users
  • Allow users to tag work items
  • Show work item history to see past operations
  • Show user menu in toolbar
  • Allow users to change profile settings
  • Show log off button in toolbar
  • FeatureTitle_ActivityEntry


Decide for which users, groups, positions and departments will be affected by the screen configuration.

Identity specifies the responsible person, unit or group.  

Permission specifies the authorization level of Identity. Only For example, only the Read permission can be granted for Emakin screens.

  • Read

     allows user

     allows users to see folders, contents inside and to start tasks


Clicking the little downward arrow next to Identity selection field opens up a details panel that consists of three subtitles. Those are type, begins at and expires at.

  • Type consists of two options to manage identity's permission. Those are allow and deny.
  • Begins At (optional), start date of permission period.
  • Expires At (optional), end date of permission period
