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Background jobs manager allows to view viewing and manage managing background jobs. Background  Background jobs manager consists of two partsections; filter and results.


Filter part defines the searching criterions for criteria to find intended needed jobs in the background jobs manager stepscreen. Searching criterions criteria are work type, date start, date end, show and log text content, instance number and show.

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Work Type
Specifies the type of backgrounds a background job. When you click the arrow button, the background work type list will open upImage Removed


Date Start
Specifies the start date of a background job.Date End
Specifies the end date of background job. Only completed background jobs have end date, otherwise end date is null Pick a time period from datetime picker that involves the start date of a background job you are searching for.

Log Text Content
Search term to filter by job execution log content.

Instance Number

Search by an instance number to see the jobs related to that workflow.

Show title section has five options for to following back ground jobs. If you click the any option, the related option of jobs will be listed under the results title. Log Text Content
Search term to filter by job execution logfiltering background jobs depending on their states. Click any option to list the related jobs under the results section.


Results part section lists of the background jobs features. Features title are the regarding the filter criteria. Jobs are listed under the titles named work type, the started at, the completed at, the duration, number and the state.

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Select to perform batch operation
This feature consists of two part for to change of job situation.Use this section to perform operations on all the listed jobs. There are two options to change job states:

  • Set all to waiting, to change all job


    states to the waiting state.

  • Set all to aborted, to change all job


    states to the aborted state.

Use to find any back ground background job in the listed background jobs.

Work Type
Job is a work of typeType name of a job.

Started At
Job is a started of dateStart date of a job.

Completed At
Job is an ended of dateCompletion date of a job.

Job is the permanence timeTime period of processing the job, which is the same as the difference between Started At and Completed At values.

Job is a situation in the backgroundCurrent state of a job. State features are:



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Waiting describes the pending jobs.

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Processing describes

the continuing

the currently continuing jobs.

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Error describes the false jobs.

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Completed describes the finished jobs.

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Aborted describes the

canceled jobs.


cancelled jobs.

Clicking on colored job state button will open up the job details window. On this window you can change job states by clicking provided action buttons. See the Job Details for more information.

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See below for several options provided on different jobs states.

State options for jobs in "Waiting" state:




Changes job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.

State options for jobs in "Aborted" state:




Changes job state to waiting. This job will be executed.

State options for job in "Error" state:



Image RemovedIf you click this button, system will change job situation the  error from the waiting.Image Removed If you click this button, system will change job situation the error from the aborted.




Changes job state to waiting. This job will be executed.


Changes job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.