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You can use anonymous access with API Keys to fill out forms or generate reports in other applications without forcing user to login emakin. 


Test Mode

Anonymous access requires processes in "Active" state. When you try to use anonymous access while process in test mode emakin silently ignores operation.


Please follow these steps to enable anonymous access.

  • Enable Anonymous Access of process to initiate a new process or share screen as a view anonymously.

    Image RemovedImage Added
  • Generate a API Key with "login" and other required scopes. Please only select the mandatory scopes because of anonymous access may put system at in risk.

  • Copy link of initiate process link and replace and replace '#' character with '?' and add generated API Key parameter to end of address.

Updated address link should be similar like to following address with "apiKey" parameter added.

Sharing a screen anonymous access

  • Enable anonymous access of screen

    Image RemovedImage Added
  • Generate a API key with "login" and other required scopes. Please only select the mandatory scopes because of anonymous access may put system at in risk.

  • Copy address of screen and replace '#' character with '?' and add generated API key parameter to end of address.

Updated address link should be similar like to following address with "apiKey" parameter added.

Authenticated Access

You can also generate authentication tokens with rest api service GetToken method for specific user identity. After token is generated add token into address as "auth" parameter. Generated authentication tokens are limited to configured based time period and they can get expired. Please always generate new tokens as long as it's needed, and do not store in any place like disk or code.

Updated address link should be similar like to following address with "auth" parameter is added.

Embedding Form

You can embed emakin forms in a basic HTML IFrame tag like below;
