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Emakin configuration settings can be divided to two different area. Emakin supports the multiple nodes to support horizontally scaling with load balancer scenarios. Each agent node has own configuration files to connect host configuration database. Host configuration is shared with all nodes in farm and stored in database.

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Agent Configuration


Domains also inherits configuration settings from application if not overridden. For example mail server definitions are inherited from application configuration if domain does not exclusively defines any mail server definition.

Each application configuration contains the following sections;

General Settings

Display name of application

System Administrator e-Mail
Mail address to send configuration errors, critical system wide related notifications.

Static URL
Base web access url for static (like JS, CSS, Image) file urls. If not specified domain url used. It is recommended to set a URL for multi domain environments to improve caching of resources between domains.

Market URL
Process market application url. If not specified "" address is used. If you don't have any special process market environment it is recommended to leave blank.

Mobile Push URL
Mobile push notifications gateway url. If not specified "" address is used.

Default Domain Level
Default domain level for new domains. 

Domain Expiration Period
Domain deletion period for unprotected domains.

Scheduled Task Limit
Minimum duration of scheduled task intervals.

Process Form Data Limit
Maximum size of form data size in bytes. Set to 5MB by default if set to blank.

Database Settings

System Connection

Database Adapter
Type of database provider for system connections.

Display name of database connection. Used for diagnostics.

Connection String
Connection string of system database.

Repository Connections

Database Adapter
Type of database provider for database.

Display name of database connection. 

Connection String
Connection string of database.