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When a service agent pulls the job from queue, agent is locks the job and changes to "Processing" state.

If job is completed successfully successfully completed state changes to "Completed".

If job is generates an error, state changes to "Error" and system administrator is notified. Some of job errors are automatically handled. For example e-mail sending job errors are ignored and re-scheduled and state changes to "Waiting" to try again later. If maximum try count limit exceeded state is changed to "Error" or "Aborted" by configuration settings.


Each job contains a log about detailed information whats of what is performed in background. Each log line has a in log level like Debug,Information,Warning,Error.


Time based generic job. This job usually create creates another jobs if any action required.


Deadlined Work Item

Created when a work item is 's deadline occurs. This job is similar to "Work Item Processing" job but created when deadline date is missed.


Created when workflow data need to be replicate replicated on xml database. This job usually created when a workflow data is modified.


Created when a workflow history is changed and need to be replicate replicated on xml database.

Xml Database Removal

Created when a worfklow data is removed. This job is usually created on when a process version is deleted from system.


E-Mail Message Send

Created when a an email message is sent. Email content may be automatically generated from workflow templates or scripting environment.
