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Emakin uses XML data standard to used, updated in the process, or internal process data needed to make the process work. This format allows performing advanced query (XPath or XQuery) methods and creating multiple and nested data layouts to support all kinds of processes.


For an element you can configure the following properties:Name
Name of an element.

Target Schema
Select containing external schema to use as a type or a reference. This field is only valid when using external data types.

If the type of field is selected as a container, you can create child elements if it is needed.

Select how element is used as a type or an element reference. This field is only valid when using external data types.

Type of an element. Selected as choice of container, string, number, date time, date, time, check, check or custom defined type.

Reference element will be appear. It lists other elements group.

Name of an element.

Is List Item
Check this field to allow multiple instances of this element.

Minimum Occurs
Defines at least how many elements should be created. Visible only when "Yes, use multiple copies" under "Is List Item" is checked.

Select how element is used as a type or an element reference. This field is only valid when using external data types.

Target Schema
Select containing external schema to use as a type or a reference. This field is only valid when using external data types.

If the type of field is selected as a container, you can create child elements if it is needed.

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Defines a custom data type to use as an element later. Many processes use the same data type on different places like "Person" element with "Name" and "Surname" child.


Name of type to identity.

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Technical Details


What is XML schema ?

XML schema is description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type. Please see for more information.

In emakin XML schema is used to generate and check process data model. You can define your schema or import any number of other schema with importing as a namespace.
