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Channels are used to share information, documents and follow specific cases within the team in the messaging environment. Channels can also be integrated with e-mail and web hooks webhooks to other systems.

Channels are listed in the left navigation menu by types. By clicking to the + menu new channel can be created. Private channels can be hidden by clicking to X icon but conversation is preserved until type. You can create a new channel by clicking the "plus" button. Moreover, you can have private channels to which only the invited members of your organization can have access. All the conversations are preserved securely until the channel is deleted. 

Channel Types

Public Channels

Public channels are the group channels where everyone can easily join and leave. The group manager can add any person as a member of the group or and any user in the system can join the group using the "More" button.

If desired, the public channel can be converted to a private channel by selecting "Convert to Private Channel" from the channel menu.


Private channels are open to a specific group of users and cannot be accessed or viewed by those who are not invited. The group manager can add any person to the channel with "Manage Members" from the channel menu. Member users can leave the channel as they wish, but they must be invited if they want to re- join again.

Private The private channel cannot be converted to a public channel.

Direct Messages

Direct message channels are used to start direct messaging with one or more users. Channel members are determined when creating a channel and cannot be changed later. Also direct message channels are more limited compared to other channel types.This section allows users to message directly between themselves. 

Channels Basic Features

When you click You can reach the essential features of the channels by clicking on the channel name, channel basic features will list.

Edits the channel features.


Manage Members
Uses this feature for add adding new membermembers, delete member deleting members and give giving permission to membermembers. Members can transact participate in the channel according to the their type of permission.

All: Member Members with full authority can be edit the channel, delete channelit, manage membermembers, convert the channel to a private channel, see staticsview the statistics, leave the channel and manage all cases in the channel.

Execute: Member with the execute authority can be manage memberpermission, can manage members, convert the channel to a private channel, see staticsview the statistics, leave the channel and manage all cases in the channel.

Read: Member Members with the read authority can be authority view member, see staticsthe members, view the statistics, leave the channel, assign the unassigned cases to yourself cases themselves or look view the assigned cases in the channel.


This is the section with case summary reports. Click for more information : Statics Channel Statistics

Leave Channel
Uses to unsubscribe from channel.
