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Channels are used to share information, documents and follow keep track of specific cases within the team in the a messaging environment. Channels They can also be integrated with e-mail servers and webhooks to other systems via webhooks.

Channels are listed in the left navigation menu by type. You can create a new channel by clicking the "plus" button. Moreover, you can have private channels to which only the invited members of your organization can have access. All the conversations are preserved securely until the channel is deleted. 


Public channels are the group channels where everyone can easily join and or leave. The group manager can add any person as a member of the group , and any user in the system can join the group using the "More" button.


Private Channels

Private channels are only open to a specific group of users and cannot be accessed or viewed by those who are not invited. The group manager can add any person to the channel with the "Manage Members" option from the channel menu. Member users Members can leave the channel as they wish, but they must be invited if they want to join again.

The private channel cannot be converted to a public channel.


Deletes the channel.

Manage Members
Uses Use this feature for adding to add new members, deleting delete members, and giving permission give permissions to members. Members can participate in the channel according to their type of permission.

All: Members with full authority can edit the channel, delete it, manage members, convert the channel to a private channel, view the statistics, leave the channel and manage all cases in the channel.

Execute: Member Members with the execute permission , can manage members, convert the channel to a private channel, view the statistics, leave the channel and manage all cases in the channel.


Convert to Private Channel
Select this option to change public channel to private channel. When If you make the channel private, only members can reach access it.

This is the summary reports section with of the case summary reports. Click for more information : Channel Statistics Channel Statistics for more information.

Leave Channel
Uses Option to unsubscribe from the channel.

Case Management

Channels have a case management feature to manage tracked topics in In addition to the messaging . Case management feature of the channels, you can link them with cases for more advanced usage. The case management feature is disabled by default but can be enabled by selecting edit from the channel menu.

When enabled channel view split to The channel screen splits into two sections to show channel activities and case listcases when the case management is enabled. Please see the Cases page for more details.

Cases can be created manually by manual user entry users or automatically by listening to email servers or integration with web hooksvia webhooks. Each case has an automatically incremented number to easy referencing. Case number starts from 1 for each channel.-regardless of the channel they are in- has its own unique number for easy referencing and 


The standard settings of the channel are made in the general section. 


Specifies the purpose of the channel.

Enable Cases
Click on to do Enables or disables the case management in the channel.

Enable Time Tracking
Click on to Enables or disables the time tracking in casefeature for cases.

Enable Milestone
Click on to milestone in caseEnables or disables the milestone feature for cases.

Mail Monitoring

Channels Emakin can automatically create a case for cases from incoming mails by periodically following monitoring one or more specified e-mail accounts.

Ongoing messages in The whole ongoing messaging in the e-mails are automatically taken into the case created earlierretrieved and classified in the related case.

The contacts in the e-mail are automatically added to the list of contacts in the case. Changes All the updates on the case are sent to the relevant people these contacts as feedback.

E-Mail From Address for Mail Notifications
Specifies the showing e-mail address in mail notificationsThis is the email address of the notifications that the system will send.

Specifies the mail account server name. IMAP protocol must be supported for The mail account must support the  IMAP protocol.

Specifies the IMAP port, ; if set to 0, default 143 or 993 port is used.


Specifies the mail account password.

SSL Enabled
Specifies whether the SSL connection is usedenabled or not on the mail account.

Begin From
Specifies the beginning date of begin to create cases.the emails that the system will retrieve. 

Notification Templates

Notification templates section helps to edit different notification templates of content. While sending notification emails those templates are used. This section's purpose is to define the notification templates that will be used when sending notifications. Emakin will send these notifications automatically when an event is triggered. The possible events are listed below:

Case Open
The content of the notification message which is sent for newly opened cases is edit here.

Case Assigned
The content of the notification message which when a case is sent for assigned cases is edit hereassigned to a user.

Deadline Occurs
The content of the notification message which is sent for deadline cases is edit herewhen a case is deadlined.

Case Closed
The content of the notification message which is sent for closed cases is edit herewhen a case is closed.

Specifies the recipients of the notification.

Specifies the subject of notificationof the notification.

Specifies the content of notificationof the notification.

The content of the notification message which is sent for reminders is edit hereYou can define additional reminder notifications if a case is not closed on time.

First Reminder
Specifies the notification time of first of the first reminder.

Repeating Reminder
Specifies the time of repeating remindernotification time of the repeating reminders. Emakin will continue to send notifications within repeating reminder periods until the case is closed.

Message Signature

Specifies the signature to be attached to You can add signatures to the end of the message in the notifications made by e-mail. Signature is in rich text format notification messages. Signatures support a rich-text format that allows you to include text decorations or images etc. Signature In addition, signatures may can contain case-specific variables in the format %NAME% to include the information of the relevant case in the signature. to be included in the messages. You can access these variables in the %VARIABLE_NAME% format: The following fields can be used as variables.

Variable NameDescription
%NUMBER%Assigned The unique number of the case
%SUBJECT%Subject The subject of the case
%URL%Hyperlink Link of the case to access. Requires a valid an authorized user to view access the case.

Related Processes

Related processes are the list of attached processes to channel.  Attached processes help to start workflow instances on casesThese attached processes will appear on the user's case screen to be initiated. Please see the process administration for more details.

Is Enabled?
Specifies whether the selected process is enabled on the channel . When the selection is removed, the or not. The process is temporarily disabled and will not appear on the case screen if this check box is not selected.

Selected process to attachThe selected process that will be active in the case screen. All installed processes inside the system are listed without any restriction.


This part section is used for creating to create rules to decide on case routing and set the priority of the cases. Decison The decision table helps to define to the inputs and the outputs. When a case comes to channel, rules automatically workis created, all these rules are executed automatically.

Time Tasks

Time tasks part helps to definate task name of cases. Time tasks are used for adding time type to caseEmakin allows users to enter the duration that they work for the case. To be more specific with these durations, users can indicate their type of work according to the variables. This section helps you to define these variables.

Web HooksWebHooks

Web hooks Webhooks are used to integrate channels or cases with third-party applications. Web hook Webhook URL is automatically generated by the system and cannot be changed. Please see the Channel Web HooksWebHooks page for more details.