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Emakin supports the mostly used namespaces in XML standard. Namespaces list allows to import data models or assign prefix for used namespaces.

What is namespace ?

XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document.


If you have an external system and need to use it's data types in your model; you can add it as a new namespace and provide XML Schema Location to load. If you specified a schema location Emakin will be try to download schema and store in "External Xml Schema Sets" to use. If schema is not accessible from network you can manually add (with basic copy and paste) XSD file content to "External Xml Schema Sets".

Scripting Namespaces

You can access data model elements as usual in process namespace even you define a namespace. For example following script will continue run as usual.

Code Block
var customers = $Xml.Select('Customers/Customer');

If you need to access other namespaces you need to add to namespaces with an namespace prefix. For example lets assume you have added namespace for "http://myexternalsystem" and assigned "ext" prefix for it, you can access like following script:

Code Block
var orders = $Xml.Select('Customers/Customer//ext:Order');

Registered Namespaces

Emakin provides couple of namespaces to make easier process development. 
