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With this option, after the sub workflows are created, the main workflow continues to the next task routed from the action selected(s).

Synchronize child instances and continue

If you choose this option, the sub workflows created can be synchronized by the main workflow. By With this synchronization, whenever the main workflow's parent task is visited again, all related sub workflows can be updated according to the XML. For example assume that you created 2 subworkflows sub workflows and then deleted one of them from the XML. When main workflow returns to that creator task, the sub workflow related with the one that was deleted from the XML will be terminated.


All of the sub workflows must be completed in order for the main workflow to continue to next task(s). Until all its children is completed, main task waits on Join state.


Use this text box to specify the node name to be regarded to create the sub workflows with.


You can specify indicate a condition to specialize the node selected on the previous option.

Row Id XPath

If you are going to use the synchronize feature from modesmode, write the name of your Id node which is located under your XPath, in order it to be checked to update the sub workflows properly.

Sync Data XPath

If you wrote down a row id xpath above but yet it is not enough to indicate the updated sub workflow's data on the XML, specify another node for synchronization. For example if one of your sub workflows has a AssignedTo node in its XML which holds the assignee information, changing this assignee information to someone else might have an effect on the related subworkflow, like to reassign the task to the new person.