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This page describes how to create a simple application in the Emakin BPM. 


  • Click the plus ikon below the pools title. New pool and pop-up will open under the pools title.
  • In the pop-up, set the pool features.
  • Enter the "Expense Form" name in to name field.
  • Choose the data root in the select list.(????)
  • If you click the "Is Administrative ?  " button, this pool enabled to only process administrator. 
  • If you click the "Is Anonymously Accessible ?", this pool enabled to anonymous users.   
  • Enter the documentaion URL (Example: in to documentation URL field.
  • Enter the support URL (Example: in to support URL field.
  • Click the "Ok" button, "Ok" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the pop-up. Diagram overview screen will open on the same screen.            

Create Roles of Task

  • Click the plus ikon below the roles title. New role and pop-up will open under the roles title.
  • In the pop-up, set the roles features.


Create Elements of Owner Section:    

  1. 1 Identity
  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema. Look at ->namespaces title.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of identity.
  • Enter "Identity" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "ıdentity" element.


3.Part: Expense List Section

  • Click "Add New Elements" button under the form information title, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "ExpenseList" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "Yes, use multiple copies" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "ExpenseList" element.

Create Elements of Expense List Section:

     3.1 Expense Section

  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "Expense" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "Yes, use multiple copies"  below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "Expense" element.

    3.1.1 Reason Element

  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of string.
  • Enter "Reason" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Reason" element.

   3.1.2 Expense Group Element

  • Click "Add New Elements" button, under the reason element.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "ExpenseGroup" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "ExpenseGroup" element.
  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of string.
  • Enter "Name" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Name" element.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.

  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.

  • Enter "Id" name in to name field.

  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Id" element.


     3.1.3 Cross Rate Element

  • Click "Add New Elements" button below the receipt information element, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.
  • Enter "CrossRate" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the  "CrossRate" element.

    3.1.4 Converted Amount Element 
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.
  • Enter " ConvertedAmount" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "ConvertedAmount" element.

  3.1.5 Date Element

  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of date.
  • Enter "Date" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the " Dateelement.

3.1.6 Amount Element
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.
  • Enter "Amount" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the " Amountelement.

3.1.7 Unit Element

  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "Unit" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "Unit" element.
  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of string.
  • Enter "Name" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Name" element.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.

  • Enter "Id" name in to name field.

  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Id" element.

3.1.8 VAT Element

  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "VAT" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "VAT" element.
  • Click "Details" button, add new elements button will appear below the details button.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of string.
  • Enter "Name" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Name" element.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button, elements design window will open.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of number.

  • Enter "Id" name in to name field.

  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click "Add New Elements" button under the expense list title, elements design window will open.
  • Select the standart types below the target schema.
  • Choose the type below type title.
  • Select the type of container.
  • Enter "Note" name in to name field.
  • Choose the "No, use only one element" below "Is list Item?" title.
  • Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button, details button and add new element button will appear under the "Note" element

    Click the done button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window. Edit button and add new element button will appear under the "Id" element.

4.Part: Note Section

  • .

4- Namespaces

Namespaces list allows to import data models or assign prefix for used namespaces.

  • Click the namespaces step below the unknown title. Namespaces design screen will open the new screen. 
  • Click the "add new namespaces".
  • Enter th"Identity" name in to prefix field.
  • Enter the "" address in to Namespace URI field.
  • Enter the "" address in to XML Schema Location field.
  • Click the "done" button, "Done" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window.


  •  Click owner title field and click second grid around this field. Click on "add new" button then select expense list element.You will see "form information" element below the owner.  Design tools will appear under the row, those are cut, copy, delete, xml, convert and columns. Select the type of section below the design title.
  • Click on row below the form information, click "add new" button and select "ExpenseList" element. Design tools will appear under the row, those are cut, copy, delete, xml, convert and add new.
  • Click "add new" button six times. You will see seven fields below the expense list title. Those fields caption will be "empty".
  • Click first empty row, click "add new" button and select reason element.

  • Click tsecond empty row, click "add new" button and select expense group element.
  • Click on convert button under the expense group field, select dropdown property.
  • Click on data sources title, click "add new" button below the data sources and select Static List Item.
  • Click edit button near the static list item. Static list item window will open.
  • Click add new button and enter the Vehicle in to text field, enter the "1" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Service in to text field, enter the "2" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Energy in to text field, enter the "3" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Communication in to text field, enter the "4" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Fees in to text field, enter the "5" in to value field.
  • Click on "Ok" button, "Ok" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window.
  • Click third empty row, click "add new" button and select date element.
  • Click fourth empty row, click "add new" button and select amount element.
  • Click empty area under the amount field and paste the "Sum:{{sum(//MasrafFormu/MasrafListesi/Masraf/Tutar)}}". 
  • Click fifth empty row, click "add new" button and select unit element.
  • Click on convert button under the unit field, select dropdown property.
  • Click on unit field, drop down section will appear in the right-hand side of form. 
  • Click on data sources title, click "add new" button below the data sources and select Static List Item.
  • Click edit button near the static list item. Static list item window will open.
  • Click add new button and enter the USA Dollar in to text field, enter the "1" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Euro in to text field, enter the "2" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the Turkish Lira in to text field, enter the "3" in to value field.
  • Click on "Ok" button, "Ok" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window.

  • Click sixth empty row, click "add new" button and select VAT element.
  • Click on convert button under the VAT field, select dropdown property.
  • Click on VAT field, drop down section will appear in the right-hand side of form. 
  • Click on data sources title, click "add new" button below the data sources and select Static List Item.
  • Click edit button near the static list item. Static list item window will open.
  • Click add new button and enter the "10" in to text field, enter the "1" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the "18" in to text field, enter the "2" in to value field.
  • Click add new button and enter the "8" in to text field, enter the "3" in to value field.
  • Click on "Ok" button, "Ok" button is found in the bottom-hand side of the window.

  • Click on expand button near to reason element. New row will open, click on the row. 
  • Click "add new"button, select "CrossRate" element.
  • Click cross rate title field and click second grid around this field. You will see design and data title in the right-hand side of form. 
  • Select width of "5 Column - 5/12" .

  • Click cross rate title field and click second grid around this field. Click on "add new" button then select again expense element.
  • Click on row below the expense, click "add new" button and select "ConvertedAmount"element. 
  • Click converted amount title field and click second grid around this field. You will see design and data title in the right-hand side of form. 
  • Select width of "5 Column - 5/12" .
