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Emakin uses an agile development methodology for program life cycle.

Agile development is an alternative to traditional project management where emphasis is placed on empowering people to collaborate and make team decisions in addition to continuous planning, continuous testing and continuous integration

 Agile development methodology tools are requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing and evaluation. 


6Kare engineering department involves comunication communication with costumer (system users) to determine specific features expectations, resolution of conflict in requirement.  

For example: When you decide to use the Emakin programme program than  6Kare engineering of department staffs will come to company(your office) and analysis documentates, comunicate with users and will keep a important of knowledge. 

Requriements Requirements analysis is most important than other lifecycle life cycle steps because ın in there the engineering department staffs do which options are necessary for  programme working. So The costumer should say them all of idea to us.


Engineering department of engineers will analys analyse of requirements analysis documentation after they will choose needful knowledge inside from documentates documentations and reports than do to plan and create to programmeprogram.

Costumer may countinue continue giving advice that step for the changeable things.



Implementation is the realization of an application, or execution of a plan, idea, model, designspecification, standard, algorithm, or policy.

In Emakin, developer use to pools, data model model and forms options in Emakin for design to process.



Testing are beginning after implementation step on Emakin. Programmers check and control when the indeks are working on Emakin than same time our achive(idea) find all of systemical mistakes before the use costumer to the Emakin.

After that established is  Emakin program on by costumer computers than support staffs will teach how users handleTesting

Agile testing involves all members of a cross-functional agile team, with special expertise contributed by testers, to ensure delivering the business value desired by the customer at frequent intervals, working at a sustainable pace.

For to testing step in the Emakin, click on the related folder and your process then send(forward etc.) your task to inbox after that check to tasks in your inbox. If you see your task in inbox, that mean your process is working. If your process doesn't work; examine your pools, forms and data model in your process.



When costumer users handle after sometimes they may see some of problem in there that time 6Kare engineering department will help for solve the problems.

Other way costumer may need to new design on Emakin and programmer will do a new version than follow again four steps in lifecyclelife cycle.