Pool is a container of a diagram.
- Click the plus icon below the pools title. New pool and pop-up will open under the pools title.
- In the pop-up, set the pool features.
- Enter the "Expense Form" name in to name field.
- Click the "Ok" button, "Ok" button is found in on the bottom-hand side of the pop-up. Diagram overview screen will open on the same screen.
Role is a definition of who will be responsible for the task.
- Click the plus icon below the roles title. New role and pop-up will open under the roles title.
- In the pop-up, set the roles features.
- Enter the "Accounting Specialist" name in to into the name field.
- Click the close button, "close" button is found in on the bottom-hand side of the pop-up.
- Enter the "Accounting Manager" name in to into the name field.
- Click the close button, "close" button is found in on the bottom-hand side of the pop-up.
When the diagram overview screen is opened, you will see expense form headed task.
* Click this task and select the "Accounting Specialist" below the role title.
* When the task is created, "add new" field will be appear near to the task. It is action field.
* Double-click on the action field, enter "submit" name in to into the field.
* When the submit action is created, new action field will appear below the submit action.
* Double- click on the new action field, enter "avoid" name in to fieldinto the field.
- To create a second task. Click "Submit" action button, "Add new task" button will be seen on the screen.
* Click on "Add new task" button, new task will be seen on the screen.
* When the task is created, "add new" field will be appear near to the task. It is action field.
* Double- click on the action field, enter "approve" name in to fieldinto the field.
* When the approve action is created, new action field will appear below the submit action.
* Double- click on the new action field, enter "reject" name in to fieldinto the field.
* Select the "Accounting Manager" below the role title.
- To create a third task. Click "Approve" action button, "Add new task" button will be seen on the screen.
* Click on "Add new task" button, new task will be seen on the screen.
* Enter the "Accounting Records" name in to task property fields screen.
* When the task is created, "add new" field will be appear near to task. It is action field.
* Double- click on the action field, enter "save" name in to fieldinto the field.
* Click this task and select the "Accounting Specialist" below the role title.
- Click the "Reject" action, you will see red point near the action field.
- Click the red point then move the mouse, red point color will be changed to pink and a long arrow will be seen on the screen.
- Bring the arrow near the "Expense form" task left side and also you will see pink point on there. Put the arrow to the pink point on the task.