Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Message templates are list of templates to be used in notifications like task assignment or reminders. By default emakin uses predefined templates but message contents can be customized by creating a message template. For more information please refer to data templates


The following screen describes to create message templates. 

  • Click "Add New  Template" button, message templates design pop-up will open.

Image Added

Name of  message template.

Subject of message template.

Type of message template.

  • Standart type is utilized to create content of written.
  • XSLT type is utilized to create content of  xml.

Click on "Done" button, edit and details button will appear below the form name. Details button is used for design message content.

Standart Type:

If standart type is chosen, content area will open on the same page. Message template consists from text and form special field. 

We will analysis the following screen content:

  • Dear is message of initiation word.
  • Identity is field of form. We want to bring data of identity from form to message. Before we find to identity under which title. 
  • Owner is title of identity.
  • To open two curly braces enter "Owner" name and add curved lined, enter "Identity" name and add two curly braces.

    Image Added

  • Click on html button Image Added , message template text will transform to html format.

    Image Added

  • Click edit button under the form name, click done button.

When the process run, message will go to users e-mail address. 

Example message in an e-mail:

Image Added

XSLT Type:

If XSLT type is chosen, content area will open on the same page. Message template consists from xml content.

You can use default templates or can create new templates.

Defined templates can be also used in scripting. For more information please refer to to $Templates page.

Default Templates

By default emakin uses following templates that stored in "configuration/messagetemplates.xml" file:

Task Notification

Code Block
<body style="margin:0; padding:0">
 <div style="margin:1em">
  <p><b>{{ $Recipients }}</b>,</p>
  <p>You have a new task named {{ $WorkItem.Caption }}.</p>
   <a style="display:inline-block; padding:5px; border:outset 1px; background-color: #D7DEF0; text-decoration:none;" href="{{ $DomainUrl }}/app/?/workitem/{{ $WorkItem.Id }}">{{ $WorkItem.Caption }}</a>
  <p>{{ $WorkItem.Instructions }}</p>
   <b>Form number</b> {{ $Instance.Number }},<br></br>
   {{ if $WorkItem.DeadlineDate then <b>Deadline date</b> {{ $WorkItem.DeadlineDate }} }}
 <div style="margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0.5em 0 0.5em 1em;background-color:#666">
  <a href="{{ $DomainUrl }}/">
   <img src="{{ $LogoUrl }}" border="0"></img>
