Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
<h2>My Section</h2>
<p>Section content</p>
<h2>Sub Section</h2>
<p>Child section content</p>

Template Variables

All of custom defined process variables can be use in templates. Additionally some of system properties are automatically imported to template engine. Because of environment limits client and server side variables uses different variable contexts.

Client Template Variables

In form scripts like form script, validation rules that running in client side environment following variables are defined;

Variable NameDescription
$staticUrlStatic resources base address. (ex: )
$applicationUrlApplication base address. (ex: )
$ProcessUnique identifier of current process. (ex: 71E8B187-C049-4ba1-AE5E-6B0BAD6B7F42 )
$FolderNameName of current folder that process is saved. (ex: Customer Relations )
$CustomVariableDefined custom value.

Server Template Variables

In process scripts like pre work, post work and other scripts that running in server side environment following variables are defined;

Variable NameDescription
$ApplicationNameName of application. (ex: )
$ApplicationUrlBase url of application (ex: )
$DomainNameName of domain (ex: mydomain)
$DomainUrlUrl of domain (ex: )
$DomainLogoLogo image url of domain (ex: )
$CustomVariableDefined custom value.

Activity Notification Template

Activity notifications like assigning a work item to a user or reminder notifications uses same template context. Addition the server variables following variables also can be used;

Variable NameDescription
$IdId number of work item
$WorkItemInstance of WorkItem. You can use . (dot) qualifier to access object properties like "$WorkItem.Instance.Number"
$RecipientsComma qualified recipient names. (ex: Ertan Tike, Emel Sayın)
$UrlUrl of work item. (ex: )
$AssignedToComma qualified user names of that work item assigned. (ex: Ertan Tike)

User Registration Template

Addition to server variables user registration invitation defines the following variables;

Variable NameDescription
$TicketDefines the system generated authentication token to embed in mail content.
$DisplayNameDefines the display name of user.