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Decision models provides a common notation that is readily easily understandable by all business users, from the . The business analysts needing who need to create design initial decision requirements and then more detailed decision models, to the technical technical developers who are responsible for automating the decisions in processes , and finally, to the business people who will monitor and manage and monitor those decisions. Emakin these decisions are all targets of this mechanism. Emakin decision model is based on DMN standard standards which is published by Object Management Group.

A decision is the act of determining an output value , from with a logic that is defined by a number of input values, using logic defining how the output is determined from the inputs. This input values. This decision logic may include one or more business knowledge models which encapsulate business know-how's in the form of business rules, analytic models, or other formalisms. Authorities also may be defined for decisions or business knowledge models, which might be (for example) domain experts who re responsible for defining or maintaining them, or source documents from which business knowledge models are derived, or sets of test cases with which the decisions must be consistent. These are called knowledge sources.

Decision Model

This The basic structures structure can modeled as following in a graphical language as follows;

Decision inputs may be input data, or the outputs of other decisions. If the inputs of a decision Decision1 include the output of another decision Decision2, Decision1 “requires” Decision2. Decisions may therefore be connected in a network called a decision model graph.

A simple example of decision model with only two decisions is shown below;


In this example "Decision2" requires the "Input Data2" input, ; similarly "Decision1" is requires "Input Data 1" and requires "Decision 2" therefore "Input Data 2" also is required for "Decision 1".

Model Notation


A decision denotes the act of determining an output from a number of inputs, using decision logic which may reference one or more business knowledge models.

Business Knowledge Model

A business knowledge model denotes a function encapsulating business knowledge, e.g., as business rules, a decision table, or an analytic model.

Input Data

An input data element denotes information used as an input by one or more decisions. When enclosed within a knowledge model, it denotes the parameters to the knowledge model.

Knowledge Source

A knowledge source denotes an authority for a business knowledge model or decision.


Input Data

Input data specifies the an requirement requirements for other elements . Has and has the following properties;

Name of the textual description of input data.

Variable Name
Name of the input to be referred in other elements.


Allowed Values
Expression of acceptable range of input data . Which is which can be an enumeration of strings ("A","B","C") or a number range (1...50). If the input is not in the allowed range, InputNotAllowed exception is thrown.


Decision Currently decision logic currently only is supported as decision table expression expressions to construct outputs by input data. Please refer the decision table for more details. Decision element has the following properties;



Business knowledge models are mathematical formulations to apply referenced documents. BKM functions written in FEEL syntax and aan example of PMT (calculates the payment for a loan) function can be defined as BKM function.

(amount * rate / 12) / (1 – (1 + rate / 12) ** -term)


For decision logic modeling it provides , there is a language called FEEL for defining and assembling decision tables, calculations, if/then/else logic, simple data structures. Please see the FEEL reference for more details.

Decision Table

Decision table is a logical expression for decision elements in model. Please refer to Decision Table for more details.

Executing Decisions

Decisions can be called as a "decision service" from scripting environment and also can be called from emakin rest service

Scripting Environment

To call a decision from scripting calling convention is;

var result = $Decisions.<DecisionName>( inputData );

DecisionName donates the name of decision in graph.

InputData can be a javascript object or xml data. Also combining xml data and JSON objects is supported.

Please note If that if the decision is has only one output expression, the result is a direct value of resulting result output. If the decision has more than one output expression, then the result is always an a javascript object and output expressions are property of resulting this result object.

Javascript Object Example 

Code Block
var result = $Decisions.MyDecision({
  Product : 'Candy',
  Units : 30

Xml Data Example

Code Block
var result = $Decisions.MyDecision( $Xml.SelectSingle('Order') );

Please refer to scripting reference for more details and examples.

Rest Service

Please refer to the rest service documentation for more details.


An Example of a Decision Model

Dish decision table

Beverages decision table
