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Search Work Item page provides administrative tools for tracking and managing work items of all workflows running on Emakin. It has a sophisticated search feature which you can narrow down the results by using its filter to find specific work items you need. It also lets you perform operations as forwarding work items to users, reprocessing work items which have errors or terminating if needed and seeing the work items' history details.

There are two actions provided on this task, close and save actions.

  • Close action closes Search Work Item page, making no changes on work items. 
  • Save action saves all the changes you made on work items.

As an admin user, go to Administration page by clicking the link on the bottom of left navigation menu and click on the Search Work Item. Search Work Item section consists of two parts which are Search Filter and Work Items.


  • Number is form number of work item.
  • Caption is display name of work item. It is also a link to the workflow history page where you can see process flow chart and all related work items which belong to workflow.
  • State is current status of work item.
  • Start Date is the starting date of work item.
  • End Date is the ending date of work item. Displayed empty if work item is in the waiting state.
  • Assigned To is the user name that work item is assigned to. Displayed empty if work item was triggered automatically.
  • Completed By is the user name that has completed the work item. Displayed empty if work item isn't completed yet or is completed automatically.
  • Process is name of process that work item belongs to. 
  • Version Number is the process version number.
  • Operation is the column that displays selected operation name when you select an operation from inner work item menu. This operation gets performed on the work item if Save action on this form is taken.


  • Default Operation: Applies the default operation if any Batch Operation is selected. See the See Batch Operation below for details. 
  • Do Nothing: Ignores this work item if any Batch Operation is selected. See the  See Batch Operation section below for details. 
  • Assign To Another Person: Assigns this work item to selected user. An identity picker will show up for you to select a user when you pick this option.
  • Terminate Instance: Ends the workflow that the related work item is tied to and also all of its waiting work items.


  • Do Nothing: Ignores this work item if any any Batch Operation is selected. See Batch Operation is selected. See the section below for details. 
  • Terminate Instance: Ends the workflow that the related work item is tied to and also all of its waiting work items.


  • Work Type is the name of job type.
  • Started At states when the job started.
  • Completed At states when the job completed. 
  • Duration is the duration of processing the job, which is the difference between Started At and Completed At values.
  • Number is work flow number that the job is related to.
  • State displays the current status of job. Clicking on this button will open up the log window of job where you can see many details and change the job state

You can change job state when a job is in "Waiting", "Error" or "Aborted" states. To change a job state click on the colored job state image.

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Then click on the provided state option buttons to change a job's state.

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Job States

A job state describes a job's current status. See Background Jobs Manager for details.

State options for jobs in "Waiting" state:

AbortedChanges job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.

State options for jobs in "Aborted" state:

WaitingChanges job state to waiting. This job will be executed.

State options for job in "Error" state:

WaitingChanges job state to waiting. This job will be executed.
AbortedChanges job state to aborted. This job will be cancelled and will not be executed.

Batch Operation

Operation to be performed on all the listed work items. Selected batch operaion affects only the work items in "Waiting" state.

You can select a batch operation to affect all the waiting work items and at the same time you may decide to perform a different operation on some of the specific work items. To achieve this use batch operation and related work item operation options together.

Options listed for batch operation:

  • None: Do nothing.
  • Assign To Another Person: Assigns all work item to selected user. An identity picker will show up for you to select a user when you pick this option.
  • Terminate Instance: Ends the workflows that the work items are tied to and also all of their waiting work items.

To Change Waiting Work Item Situation

When you click on expand, related jobs window will open. Background job situation will be listed under the state title.

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You can change waiting of background job situation to using state properties.



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If you click this button, system will change job situation the  error from the waiting.
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 If you click this button, system will change job situation the error from the aborted.

Work Item History

When you click on the background job under the history title, background history page will open. In the this page, you will see the process flow chart and the background job properties.

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Section of actions:

  • Close, use to leave this page without saving.

  • Save, use to saving this page.
